1AA-1ZZ Unassigned
The 1AA-1ZZ Callsign Block has not been allocated by the ITU. Some unofficial uses have been or are:
...... 1A Sovereign Military Order of Malta (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 41.9 long 12.4] {start 11/15/45}
...... 1B Northern Cyprus (In the past) (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
...... 1B Chechnya (recently)
...... 1S Spratly Is (ITU Zone 50 CQ Zone 26) [lat 8.8 long 111.9}{start 11/15/45}
1SL Sealand in the North Sea.
2AA-2ZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Also See G, MA-MZ, ZN-ZO, ZQA-ZQZ)
..... 2E England (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
...... 2D Isle Of Man (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
...... 2I Northern Ireland (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
...... 2J Jersey (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
...... 2M Scotland (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
...... 2U Guernsey & Dependencies (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
...... 2W Wales (Novices) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
Hans MM0XAU, MZ8A supplies the following information:
3AA-3AZ Monaco (Principality of)
...... 3A Monaco (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 43.7 long 7.4] {start 11/15/45}
3BA-3BZ Mauritius (Republic of)
...... 3B6 Agalega (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -10.4 long 56.6] {start 11/15/45}
...... 3B7 Agalega (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39)
...... 3B8 Mauritius (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -20.3 long 57.5] {start 11/15/45}
...... 3B9 Rodriguez Is (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -19.7 long 63.4] {start 11/15/45}
3CA-3CZ Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)
...... 3C Equatorial Guinea (ITU Zone 47 CQ Zone 36) [lat 1.8 long 9.8] {start 11/15/45}
...... 3C0 Annobon (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [lat -1.5 long 5.6] {start 11/15/45}
3DA-3DM Swaziland (Kingdom of) *
...... 3D6 Swaziland (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38) [lat -26.3 long 31.1] {start 11/15/45}
...... 3DA0 Swaziland (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38)
3DN-3DZ Fiji (Republic of) *
...... 3D2 Conway Reef (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32) [lat -21.4 long 174.4] {start 5/1/90}
...... 3D2 Fiji Is (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32) [lat -18.1 long 178.4] {start 11/15/45}
...... 3D2 Rotuma (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32) [lat -12.3 long 177.7] {start 5/1/89}
...... 3D2/C Conway Reef (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32)
...... 3D2/F Fiji Islands (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32)
...... 3D2/R Rotuma (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32)
3EA-3FZ Panama (Also See HO, HP , H3, H8, H9)
...... 3E, 3F Panama (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
3GA-3GZ Chile (Also CE , XQ, XR)
...... 3G Chile (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 12)
3HA-3UZ China (People's Republic of) (Also See BY , XS, VR)
...... 3H, 3I, 3J, 3K, 3L, 3M, 3N, 3O, 3P, 3Q, 3R, 3S, 3T, 3U
China (ITU Zone 33, 42, 43, 44 CQ Zone 23, 24)
3VA-3VZ Tunisia (Also See TS)
...... 3V Tunisia (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) [lat 36.8 long 10.2] {start 11/15/45}
3WA-3WZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) (Also See XV)
...... 3W Vietnam (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26) {lat 10.8 long 106.7] {start 7/20/55}
3XA-3XZ Guinea (Republic of)
...... 3X Guinea (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 9.5 long -13.7] {start 11/15/45}
3YA-3YZ Norway (Also See JW-JX, LA)
...... 3Y Bouvet Is (ITU Zone 67 CQ Zone 38) [lat -54.42 long 3.28] {start 11/15/45}
...... 3Y Peter Is (ITU Zone 72 CQ Zone 12) [lat -68.82 long -90.73] {start 1/25/87}
3Y/B Bouvet (ITU Zone 67 CQ Zone 38)
...... 3Y/P Peter Is (ITU Zone 72 CQ Zone 12)
3Y0, 3Y1, 3Y2, 3Y9 Antarctic
3ZA-3ZZ Poland (Republic of) (Also See SN-SR, HF) See SP
...... 3Z Poland (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15)
4AA-4CZ Mexico (Also See 6D-6J, XA-XI) See XE
...... 4A, 4B, 4C Mexico (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 06) .
4DA-4IZ Philippines (Republic of the) (Also See DU -DZ)
...... 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H, 4I Philippines (ITU Zone 50 CQ Zone 27)
4JA-4KZ Azerbaijani Republic
...... 4J , 4K Azerbaijan (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 21) [lat 40.5 long 50] {start 1/1/91}
...... 4J1, 4K1, 4J0, 4K0 special licenses, foreigners
...... 4J2, 4K2 Nakhichevan'
...... 4J4-4J9, 4K4-4K9 Baku
...... 4J3, 4K3 Azerbaijan territories excluding Baku and Nakhichevan'
............ suffixes A-Z “extra” license classes
............ suffixes AA-ZZ 1st class licenses
............ three-letter suffixes with last two signs AA-VZ 2nd and 3rd license classes
............ three-letter suffixes with last two signs WA-ZZ club stations
4K1 Old USSR Antarctic Prefix
4LA-4LZ Georgia (Republic of)
.....4L Georgia (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 21) [lat 41.5 long 45] {start 1/1/58}
............ Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:
............ Q, S Adjaria, Batumi
............ V, X Abkhazia, Sukhumi
............ other letters other territory of Georgia, Tbilisi city
............ 4L1, 4L4, 4L6, 4L7, 4L0 ordinary license
............ 4L2, 4L3, 4L5, 4L8, 4L0 reserved
............ one-letter suffixes “extra” class license
4MA-4MZ Venezuela (Republic of) (Also See YV -YY)
...... 4M Venezuela (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09)
4NA-4NZ - Returned to The ITU
4OA-4OZ Republic of Montenegro --- NOTE Effective June 28th, 2006 a new DXCC entity is Republic of Montenegro. Effective 11 May, 2007, 4OA-4OZ was desiginated by the ITU
4PA-4SZ Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)
...... 4P, 4Q, 4R, 4S Sri Lanka (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22) [lat 7 long 79.9] {start 11/15/45}
4TA-4TZ Peru (Also See OA -OC)
...... 4T Peru (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10)
4UA-4UZ United Nations*
...... 4U1ITU Geneva (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 14) [Lat 40.8 Long -74] {Start Date 2/4/78)
...... 4U1UN New York NY USA (ITU Zone 08 CQ Zone 05) [lat 46.23 long 6.07] {start 11/15/45}
...... 4U1VIC Vienna Intl. (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) =OE
...... 4U1WB The World Bank, Washington DC, USA = W3 (ITU Zone 08 CQ Zone 5)
4VA-4VZ Haiti (Republic of) (Also See HH)
...... 4V Haiti (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
4WA-4WZ East Timor
...... 4W East Timor. (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28) [lat -8.5 long 155.5] {start 3/1/00}
4U1ET United Nations club station within East Timor
4XA-4XZ Israel (State of) (Also See 4Z)
...... 4X Israel (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 31.8 long 35.2] {start 5/14/48}
4YA-4YZ International Civil Aviation Organization*
4ZA-4ZZ Israel (State of) (Also See 4X)
...... 4Z Israel (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
5AA-5AZ Libya (Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)
...... 5A Libya (ITU Zone 38 CQ Zone 34) [lat 32.5 long 12.5] {start 11/15/45]
5BA-5BZ Cyprus (Republic of) (Also See C4, H2, P3)
...... 5B Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 35.2 long 33.4] {start 11/15/45}
5CA-5GZ Morocco (Kingdom of) (Also See CN)
...... 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F, 5G Morocco (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33)
5HA-5IZ Tanzania (United Republic of)
...... 5H, 5I Tanzania (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 37) [lat -7 long 39.5] {start 11/15/45}
5H1-Zanzibar and Pemba Islands
5H3-Pwani,Dar Es Salaam(including Mafia Island)
5H8-Kigoma,Rukwa, Tabora
5H9-Ziwa Magharibi,Mwanza,Mara,Shinyanga(including Ukerewe Islands)
5JA-5KZ Colombia (Republic of) (Also See HJ-HK)
...... 5J, 5K Columbia (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09)
5LA-5MZ Liberia (Republic of) (Also See EL , 6Z, A8, D5)
...... 5L, 5M Liberia (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35)
5NA-5OZ Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
...... 5N, 5O Nigeria (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 6.5 long 3.4] {start 11/15/45}
.....5N1 = OGUN, OYO, ONDO
5PA-5QZ Denmark (Also See OU-OZ , XP)
...... 5P, 5Q Denmark (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14)
5RA-5SZ Madagascar (Republic of) (Also See 6X)
...... 5R, 5S Malagasy Rep (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -18.9 long 47.5] {start 11/15/45}
5TA-5TZ Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)
...... 5T Mauritania (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 18.1 long -16] {start 6/20/60}
5UA-5UZ Niger (Republic of the)
...... 5U Niger (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 13.5 long 2] {start 8/3/60}
5VA-5VZ Togolese Republic
...... 5V Togo (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 6.2 long 1.4] {start 11/15/45}
5WA-5WZ Western Samoa (Independent State of)
...... 5W Western Samoa (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) [lat -13.5 long -171.8] {start 11/15/45}
5XA-5XZ Uganda (Republic of)
...... 5X Uganda (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37) [lat 0.3 long 32.5] {start 11/15/45}
5YA-5ZZ Kenya (Republic of)
...... 5Y, 5Z Kenya (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37) [lat -1.3 long 37.5] {start 11/15/45}
6AA-6BZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) Also See SS, SU)
...... 6A, 6B Egypt (ITU Zone 38 CQ Zone 34)
6CA-6CZ Syrian Arab Republic (Also See YK)
...... 6C Syria (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
6DA-6JZ Mexico (Also See 4A-4C, XA-XI) See XE
...... 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G, 6H, 6I, 6J Mexico (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 06)
6KA-6NZ Korea (Republic of) (Also See D7-D9, DS-DT, HL
...... 6K, 6L, 6M, 6N South Korea (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 25)
6OA-6OZ Somali Democratic Republic (Also See T5)
...... 6O Somalia (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37)
6PA-6SZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) (See AP)
...... 6P, 6Q, 6R, 6S Pakistan (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 21)
6TA-6UZ Sudan (Republic of the) (also See ST)
...... 6T, 6U Sudan (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 34)
6VA-6WZ Senegal (Republic of)
...... 6V, 6W Senegal (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 14.7 long -17.5] {start 6/20/60}
6W1 Dakar
............ 6W2 Ziguinchor
............ 6W3 Diourbei
...... ..... 6W4 St. Louis
............ 6W5 Tambacounda
............ 6W6 Kaolack
...... ..... 6W7 Thies
...... ..... 6W8 Louga
............ 6W9 Fatick
............ 6W0 Kolda
6XA-6XZ Madagascar (Republic of) (Also See 5R)
...... 6X Malagasy Rep (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39)
6YA-6YZ Jamaica
...... 6Y Jamaica (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [Lat 18 Long -76.8] (start11/15/45}
6ZA-6ZZ Liberia (Republic of) (Also See 5L-5M, EL , A8, D5)
...... 6Z Liberia (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35)
7AA-7IZ Indonesia (Republic of) (Also See 8A-8I, JZ, PK- PO , YB-YH) See YB
...... 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H, 7I Indonesia (ITU Zone 51, 54 CQ Zone 28)
7JA-7NZ Japan (Also See 8J-8N, JA -JS)
...... 7J, 7K, 7L, 7M, 7N Japan (ITU Zone 45 CQ Zone 25)
7J used for foreign operators in Japanese Jurisdiction.
7K, 7L, 7M, 7N are for Japanese Citizens.
7OA-7OZ Yemen (Republic of)
...... 7O Yemen Republic (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 12.8 long 45] {start 5/22/90} EXCEPT Socotra and Abd al Kuri Isalnds, which are ITU Zone 48, CQ Zone 37
7PA-7PZ Lesotho (Kingdom of)
...... 7P Lesotho (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38) [lat -29.3 long 27.5] {start 11/15/45}
7QA-7QZ Malawi
...... 7Q Malawi (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 37) [lat -14.9 long 34.4] {start 11/15/45}
7RA-7RZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic) (Also 7T-7Y) See 7X
...... 7R Algeria (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33)
7SA-7SZ Sweden (Also See 8S, SA-SM)
...... 7S Sweden (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14)
7TA-7YZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
...... 7T, 7U, 7V, 7W, 7X, 7Y Algeria (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) [lat 36.7 long 3] {start 11/15/45}
7ZA-7ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) (Also See 8Z, HZ)
...... 7Z Saudi Arabia (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21)
8AA-8IZ Indonesia (Republic of) (Also See 7A-7I, JZ, PK-PO, YB -YH)
...... 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8I Indonesia (ITU Zone 51,54 CQ Zone 28)
8JA-8NZ Japan (Also See 7J-7N, JA -JS)
...... 8J, 8K, 8L, 8M, 8N Japan (ITU Zone 45 CQ Zone 25) Used for Special Events
8OA-8OZ Botswana (Republic of) (Also See A2)
...... 8O Botswana (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38)
8PA-8PZ Barbados
...... 8P Barbados (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 13.1 long -59.6] (start11/15/45}
8QA-8QZ Maldives (Republic of)
...... 8Q Maldive Is (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22) [lat 4.4 long 73.4] {start 11/15/45}
8RA-8RZ Guyana
...... 8R Guyana (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09) [lat 6.8 long -58.2] {start 11/15/45]
............ 8R1 East Demerara, West Demerara
............ 8R2 East Berbice, West Berbice
............ 8R3 Essequibo, Essequibo Island, Mazaruni, Northwest, Rupununi
8SA-8SZ Sweden (Also See 7S, SA-SM)
...... 8S Sweden (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14)
8TA-8YZ India (Republic of) (Also AT-AW, VT-VW) See VU
...... 8T, 8U, 8V, 8W, 8X, 8Y India (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
8ZA-8ZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) (Also See 7Z, HZ)
...... 8Z Saudi Arabia (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21)
9AA-9AZ Croatia (Republic of)
...... 9A Croatia (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 45.5 long 15.6] {start 6/26/91}
9BA-9DZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) (Also See EP -EQ)
...... 9B, 9C, 9D Iran (ITU Zone 40 CQ Zone 21)
9EA-9FZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) (Also See ET)
...... 9E, 9F Ethiopia (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37)
9GA-9GZ Ghana
...... 9G Ghana (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 5.5 long -0.2] {start 3/5/57}
9HA -9HZ Malta
...... 9H Malta (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 36 long 14.4] {start 11/15/45}
............ 9H1 HF Local operators
............ 9H3 HF Foreign operators
............ 9H4 HF Gozo Island
............ 9H5 VHF and up
9IA -9JZ Zambia (Republic of)
...... 9I, 9J Zambia (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 36) [lat -15.4 long 28.3] {start 11/15/45}
9KA-9KZ Kuwait
9K Kuwait (ITU 39 CQ 21) [lat 29.5 long 47.8] {start 11/15/45}
9LA-9LZ Sierra Leone
...... 9L Sierra Leone (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 8.5 long -13.2] {start 11/15/45}
9MA-9MZ Malaysia (See Also 9W)
...... 9M0 Spratly Is (ITU Zone 50 CQ Zone 26)
...... 9M2 West Malaysia (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28) [lat 3.2 long 101.6] {start 9/16/63}
...... 9M4 West Malaysia (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28)
...... 9M6 East Malaysia (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28) {lat 5.8 long 118.1] (start 9/16/63}
...... 9M8 East Malaysia (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28)
9NA-9NZ Nepal
...... 9N Nepal (ITU Zone 42 CQ Zone 22) [lat 27.42 long 85.18] {start 11/15/45}
9OA-9TZ Democratic Republic of the Congo
...... 9O, 9P, 9Q, 9R, 9S, 9T Zaire (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [lat -4.3 long 15.3] {start 11/15/45}
9Q2-Bas Congo
9Q5-Province orientale
9Q6-North Kivu-South Kivu-Maniema 9Q7-Katanga
9Q8-Oriental Kasai
9Q9-Occidental Kasai
9UA-9UZ Burundi (Republic of)
...... 9U Burundi (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [lat -3.3 long 29.3] {start 11/15/45}
9VA-9VZ Singapore (Republic of) (Also See S6)
...... 9V Singapore (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28) [lat 1.3 long 103.8] {start 4/1/46}
9WA-9WZ Malaysia (See Also 9M)
...... 9W West/East Malaysia (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28)
9XA-9XZ Rwandese Republic
...... 9X Rwanda (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [lat -2 long 30.1] {start 7/1/62}
9YA-9ZZ Trinidad and Tobago
...... 9Y, 9Z Trinidad (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 09) [lat 10.5 long -61.3] {start 11/15/45}
A2A-A2Z Botswana (Republic of) (Also See (8O)
...... A2 Botswana (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38) [lat -24.8 long 25.9] {start 11/15/45}
A3A-A3Z Tonga (Kingdom of)
...... A3 Tonga (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) [lat -21.1 long -175.2] {start 11/15/45}
A4A-A4Z Oman (Sultanate of)
...... A4 Oman (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 23.6 long 58.6] {start 11/15/45}
A5A-A5Z Bhutan (Kingdom of)
...... A5 Bhutan (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22) [lat 27.3 long 89.4] {start 11/15/45}
A6A-A6Z United Arab Emirates
...... A6 United Arab Emirates (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 24.5 long 54.2] {start 11/15/45}
A7A-A7Z Qatar (State of)
...... A7 Qatar (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 25.3 long 51.5] {start 11/15/45}
A8A-A8Z Liberia (Republic of) (Also See EL , 5L-5M, 6Z, D5)
...... A8 Liberia (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35)
A9A-A9Z Bahrain (State of)
...... A9 Bahrain (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 26.2 long 50.6] {start 11/15/45}
AAA-ALZ United States of America (ITU Zone 6,7 CQ Zone 3,4,5)
See W prefixes For Districts (AA1/0 Thru AK1/0), N, K
...... AC6 West Carolines (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27)
...... AH0 Mariana Is (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27)
...... AH1 Baker Howland (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH2 Guam (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27)
...... AH3 Johnston Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH4 Midway Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH5 Palmyra Is (ITU Zone 61, 62 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH5K Kingman Reef (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH6 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
AH7 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH7K Kure Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31)
...... AH8 American Samoa (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32)
...... AH9 Wake Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31)
...... AL Alaska (ITU Zone 1,2 CQ Zone 1)
AMA-AOZ Spain (Also See EA -EH)
...... AM, AN, AO Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14)
...... AM6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14)
...... AM8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33)
...... AM9 Ceuta-Melilla (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33)
...... AN Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14)
...... AN6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14)
...... AN8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33)
...... AN9 Ceuta-Melilla (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33)
...... AO Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14)
...... AO6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14)
...... AO8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33)
...... AO9 Ceuta-Melilla (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33)
APA-ASZ Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) Also See 6P-6S)
...... AP, AQ, AR, AS Pakistan (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 21) [lat 24.9 long 67.1] {start 11/15/45}
ATA-AWZ India (Republic of) (Also 8T-8Y, VT-VW) See VU
...... AT, AU, AV, AW India (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AT4 Andaman Is (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26)
...... AT7 Laccadive Is (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AU India (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AU4 Andaman Is (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26)
...... AU7 Laccadive Is (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AV India (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AV4 Andaman Is (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26)
...... AV7 Laccadive Is (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AW India (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
...... AW4 Andaman Is (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26)
...... AW7 Laccadive Is (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22)
AXA-AXZ Australia See VK for Districts (Also See VH-VN, VZA)
...... AX Australia (ITU Zone 55,58,59 CQ Zone 29,30) National event call sign
AYA-AZZ Argentine Republic (Also L2-L9, LO-LW) See LU
...... AY, AZ Argentina (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone13)
BAA-BZZ China (People's Republic of) Also See 3H-3U, XS, VR)
Note The ITU Block Assignment for BAA thru BZZ is to China. However BM, BN, BO, BQ, BV and BX are or have been used by Taiwan.
BY - Club
BT - Special Event
B(1x1 or 1x2) - Contest
BA - Home Call 1st Class
BD - Home Call 2nd Class
BG - Home Call 3rd Class
BG (suffix number only) - SWL station
BS7 Scarborough Reef (ITU 50 CQ 27) [lat 15.1 long 117.5] {start 1/1/95}
Map Of BY Prefixes
Suffix | Province | Suffix | Province | Suffix | Province |
1AA-1XZZ | Bei Jing | 5AA-5HZZ | Zhe Jiang | 8AA-8FZZ | Si Chuan |
2AA-2HZZ | Hei Long Jiang | 5IA-5PZZ | Jiang Xi | 8GA-8LZZ | Chong Qing |
2IA-2PZZ | Ji Lin | 5QA-5XZZ | Fu Jian | 8MA-8RZZ | Gui Zhou |
2QA-2XZZ | Liao Ning | 6AA-6HZZ | An Hui | 8SA-8XZZ | Yun Nan |
3AA-3FZZ | Tian Jin | 6IA-6PZZ | He Nan | 9AA-9FZZ | Shan Xi |
3GA-3LZZ | Nei Meng | 6QA-6XAA | Hu Bei | 9GA-9LZZ | Gan Su |
3MA-3RZZ | Hei Bei | 7AA-7HZZ | Hu Nan | 9MA-9RZZ | Ning Xia |
3SA-3XZZ | Shan Xi | 7IA-7PZZ | Guang Dong | 9SA-9XZZ | Qing Hai |
4AA-4HZZ | Shang Hai | 7QA-7XZZ | Guang Xi | 0AA-0FZZ | Xin Jiang |
4IA-4PZZ | Shan Dong | 7YA-7YZZ | HaiNan(AS-129) | 0GA-0LZZ | Xi Zang |
4QA-4XZZ | Jiang Su |
CQ Zone 23. BY3G-L, BY9A-L, BY9T-Z, and BY0.
CQ Zone 24. BY1, BY2, BY3A-F, BY3M-S, BY3T-Z, BY4, BY5, BY6, BY7, BY8, BY9M-S
BV Taiwan (See Below For New Prefixes and Calls) (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 24) [lat 25.1 long 121.5] {start 11/15/45}
Note The ITU Block Assignment for BAA thru BZZ is to China. However BM, BN, BO, BQ, BV and BX are or have been used by Taiwan.
.. BM(1-8)abc-class 4 calls (VHF/UHF only) .. BN(1-8)abc-class 4 calls (VHF/UHF only) BO1xx-Matzu Island ...... BO2xx-Kinmem Island ...... BO2YA- Kinmen Island Clubstation BQ9 Pratus Island [lat 20.45 long 116.4] {1/1/94} ...... BV0xx-special event stations ...... BV1-8xx-Taiwan areas ...... BV1 Keelung, Ilan ...... BV2 Taipei City, Taipei County ...... BV3 Hsinchu, Taoyuan ...... BV4 Taichung, Miaoli ...... BV5 Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin ...... BV6 Chai, Tainan |
...BV7 Kaohsiung ...BV8 Hualien, Pingtung, Taitung . BV9-islands near Taiwan BV9A-Penhu Island .. BV9O-Orchid Island .. BV9G-Green Island .. BV9P-Pratas Island .. .. BV(1-8)Yx-CTARL Branch clubstations . BV9AYA-CTARL Penhu Island clubstation .. BV4YL-CTARL YL/XYL clubstation, mid Taiwan .. BV2Y-CTARL Taipei office station .. BV5Y-CTARL HQ Station . BV Bureau, PO Box 73, Taipei 100, Taiwan. BX |
C2A-C2Z Nauru (Republic of)
...... C2 Nauru (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) [lat -0.5 long 166.9] {start 11/15/45}
C3A-C3Z Andorra (Principality of)
...... C3 Andorra (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 42.5 long 1.5] {start 11/15/45}
............ C31 HF Residents
............ C32 VHF and up Residents
............ C33 Novices HF Residents
............ C30 Foreign Operators
C4A-C4Z Cyprus (Republic of) (Also See 5B , H2, P3)
...... C4 Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
C5A-C5Z Gambia (Republic of the)
...... C5 Gambia (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 13.5 long -16.7] {start 11/15/45}
C6A-C6Z Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
...... C6 Bahamas (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 25.1 long -77.4] (start11/15/45}
C7A-C7Z World Meteorological Organization*
C8A-C9Z Mozambique (Republic of)
...... C8, C9 Mozambique (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 37) [lat -26 long 32.6] {start 11/15/45}
CAA-CEZ Chile (Also 3G, XQ, XR)
...... CA, CB, CC, CD, CE Chile (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 12) [lat -33.5 long -70.8] {start 11/15/45}
CE1-CE8 Chile (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 12)
CE1 Antofagasta, Atacama, Tarapaca CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 14 CE2 Coquimbo, Valparaiso CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 14 CE3 Reg. Metr. de Santiago CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 14 CE4 Maule, O'Higgins CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 14 CE5 Bio-Bio CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 14 CE6 La Araucania, Los Lagos (Valdivia and Osorno) CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 14 CE7 Aisen, Los Lagos (Llanquihue, Isla Chiloe' and Palena) CQ 12 ITU Zone 16 CE8 Magallanes CQ Zone 12 ITU Zone 16 |
CE9 Antarctica (ITU 67, 69 TO 74 CQ 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38, 39) CE0A Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12) CE0E Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12) [lat -27.1 long -109.4] {start 11/15/45} CE0F Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12) CE0I Juan Fernandez (ITU Zone 14 CQ Zone 12) [lat -33.6 long -78.8] {start 11/15/45} CE0X San Felix/San Ambrosio (ITU Zone 14 CQ Zone 12) [lat -26.3 long -80.1 {start {11/15/45} CE0Y Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12) CE0Z Juan Fernandez (ITU Zone 14 CQ Zone 12) |
CFA-CKZ Canada (Also See CY-CZ, VA-VG, VO, VX-VY, XJ-XO See VE
...... CF, CG, CH, CI, CJ, CK Canada (ITU Zone 2, 3, 4, 9, 75 CQ Zone 1,2,3,4,5)
CLA-CMZ Cuba (Also See CO, T4)
...... CL, CM Cuba (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
CNA-CNZ Morocco (Kingdom of) (Also See 5C-5G)
...... CN Morocco (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) [lat 33.6 long -7.5] {start 11/15/45}
CN8 is for residents, CN0 is for visitors.
COA-COZ Cuba (Also See CL-CM, T4)
...... CO Cuba (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 23.1 long -82.4] (start11/15/45}
............ CO1 Pinar del Rio
............ CO2 La Habana City
............ CO3 La Habana Provincia
............ CO4 Isla de la Juventud
............ CO5 Matanzas
............ CO6 Cienfuegos, Sancti Spiritu, Villa Clara
............ CO7 Camaguey, Ciego de Avila
............ CO8 Granma, Guantanamo, Holguin, Santiago de Cuba, Las Tunas
............ CO0 Club and Event Stations
CPA-CPZ Bolivia (Republic of)
...... CP Bolivia (ITU Zone 12, 14 CQ Zone 10) [lat -16.5 long -68.4] {start 11/15/47}
............ CP1 La Paz
............ CP2 Chuquisaca
............ CP3 Oruro
............ CP4 Potosi
............ CP5 Cochabamba
............ CP6 Santa Cruz
............ CP7 Tarija
............ CP8 Beni
............ CP9 Pando
............ CP0 Club and Event Stations
CQA-CUZ Portugal
CQ Special Prefixes (CQ3 and CQ9 reserved for Madeira) . CR Portugal Special Prefixes CR3 and CR9 reserved for Madeira CS Portugal Special Prefixes CS3 and CS9 reserved for Madeira CT Portugal (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) [lat 38.7 long -9.2] {start 11/15/45} . CT0 Repeaters, Beacons, etc. . CT1 Portugal-Class A, B with CW . CT2 Portugal-Class B without CW . CT3 Madeira Island (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) [lat 32.6 long -16.9] {start 11/15/45} . CT4 Portugal-Class A,B mostly former Ultramarine Hams . CT5-Portugal-Class C (only VHF and UHF privileges) . CT6, CT7, CT8-Special Prefixes, . CT9 Madeira Isl. |
CU Azores Isl. (ITU 36 CQ 14) [lat 37.7 long -25.7] {start 11/15/45} . CU1 Santa Maria Island CU2 Sao Miguel Island . CU3 Terceira Island . CU4 Graciosa Island . CU5 Sao Jorge Island . CU6 Pico Island . CU7 Faial Island . CU8 Flores Island . CU9 Corvo Island |
. CVA-CXZ Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
...... CV, CW, CX Uruguay (ITU Zone 14 CQ Zone 13) [lat -34.9 long -56.2] {start 11/15/45}
CX#A,B,C Montevideo ... CX#D Canelones .... CX#E San Jose' .... CX#F Colonia .... CX#G Soriano .... CX#H Rio Negro .... CX#I Paysandu' .... CX#J Salto .... CX#K Artigas .... CX#L Florida |
CX#M Flores ..... CX#N Durazno ..... CX#O Tacuarembo' ..... CX#P Rivera ..... CX#R Maldonado ..... CX#S Lavalleja ..... CX#T Rocha ..... CX#U Treinta y Tres ..... CX#V Cerro Largo ..... CX#Z Portable Stations |
. CYA-CZZ Canada (Also See CF-CK, VA-VG, VO, VX-VY, XJ-XO See VE
...... CY, CZ Canada (ITU Zone 2, 3, 4, 9, 75 CQ Zone 1,2,3,4,5)
...... CY0 Sable Is (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05) [lat 43.8 long -60] (start11/15/45}
...... CY9 St Paul Is (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05) [lat 47.2 long -60.1(start11/15/45}
D2A-D3Z Angola (Republic of)
...... D2, D3 Angola (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [lat -8.8 long 13.2] {start 11/15/45}
D4A-D4Z Cape Verde (Republic of)
...... D4 Cape Verde (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 14.9 long -23.5] {start 11/15/45]
D5A-D5Z Liberia (Republic of) (Also See EL , 5L-5M, 6Z, A8)
...... D5 Liberia (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35)
D6A-D6Z Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the)
...... D6 Comoros (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -11.8 long 43.7] {start 7/5/75}
D7A-D9Z Korea (Republic of) (Also See DS-DT, HL , 6K-6N)
...... D7, D8, D9 South Korea (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 25)
DAA-DRZ Germany (Federal Republic of) M
GERMANY (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 14) [lat 51 long 6] {start 9/17/73)
DA Germany
DA0 Clubstations
DA1... DA9 = individual licenses issued to members of foreign Nato forces stationed in DL.
Both, VHF licenses and full privilege licenses
DB Germany VHF licenses
DB0 Repeaters, beacons, club stations with VHF license
DB1... DB9 = VHF licenses
DC full privileges (since 2007, before just VHF)
DD full privileges (since 2007, before just VHF)
DE examined SWLs
DF full privileges
DF0 Club Stations
DF1.. DF9 = individual licenses
DG VHF licenses
DH Since May 1st 1998 this prefix belongs to the full privilege class. Old licenses have
been upgraded.
DI - In 2005 and 2006, two experimental licenses with the DI prefix were issued for beacons operating on 440 kHz on medium waves -- 2005: DI2AG is licensed to, and operated by DJ2LF. 2006: DI2BO is licensed to, and operated by DK8KW
DJ full privileges
DJ0 Legal alien residents
DJ1... DJ9 German citizens
DK full privileges
DK0 Club Stations
DK1... DK9 = Individuals
DL full privileges
DL0 = Club Stations
DL1...DL9 = Individuals
DM both license classes. DM series will only be used in the boundaries of former
East Germany, which used the DM prefix before East Germany went to the
Y2..Y9 series. DM calls will only be assigned to radio amateurs, who actually held
a DM call in the past. DM: Since 1.1.1999 new DM-calls will be issued to VHF-licensees
(also to those who did not hold a license before)
DN Training Calls, will only be used for formal training of unlicensed prospective hams.
Used only by the Trainee NOT by the Trainer, who has his own call
DO low power 2m/70 cm only calls, plus 5 Meters and 80 Meters since early 2007
DP expeditionary calls, used only for stations operating outside of Germany in
international territories or in space. Also Antarctica
Thanks To Siegfried Rambaum--KB2YVC & Bert DL3YEI
A short comment to your prefix list, entry for Germany: there have been a few DI calls issued, one for a /mm expedition (DI9AA) in 1954, a second for another one (DI2DR)in 1965, and another (DI2BC) for one-way transmissions from a research institute; see http://www.qsl.at/deutsch/gr_di9aa.html (only available in German at the moment); and there was one DQ callsign for a special station DQ0KBM in 2000, celebrating 100 years of regular wireless service in Germany. From DL2LFH, Jan-Martin
GERMANY NEWS (New Prefixes on the air!). Germany has started to assign DQ and DR-prefixes. Club stations can now apply for 2x1-callsigns like DK2A. All numbers 0-9 mean "club station", there are no 2x1 callsigns for individuals. One more important change: While all DP-prefixes were extraterritorial area before (like DP0GVN, DP0POL in the Antarctica, DP0EPO Munich European Patent Office), now _only_ DP0-DP2 are extraterritorial. 2x1-Callsigns DP3A-DP9Z are "regular short callsigns" for Club stations. " Stefan, DL1ELY
DSA-DTZ Korea (Republic of) (Also See D7-D9, HL , 6K-6N Korea)
...... DS, DT South Korea (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 25)
DUA-DZZ Philippines (Republic of the) (Also See 4D-4I)
DU , DV, DW, DX, DY, DZ Philippines (ITU Zone 50 CQ Zone 27) [lat 14.6 long 121] {start 11/15/45}
Class A = DU or 4F
Class B, C = DU
For Class D (No Code) = DY
For Club Stations = DX
For DXpeditions, special anniversaries, field and contest events = DX, DZ, 4D
Region List:
DU1 - National Capital Region[NCR] (Manila); Southern Tagalog[Region IV] (Aurora, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Quezon, Mindoro Occidental, Mindoro Oriental, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan)
DU2 - Ilcos[Region 1] (Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan); Cagayan Valley[Region II] (Batanes, Cagayan, Isabella, Nueva Vizcaya, Quirinio); Cordillera Autonomous Region[CAR] (Abra, Mountain, Benguet, Kalinga, Apayao, Ifugao)
DU3 - Central Luzon[Region III] (Zambales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Bataan, Bulacan)
DU4 - Bicol[Region V] (Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon, Masbate)
DU5 - Eastern Visayas[Region VIII] (Northern Samar, Samar, Eastern Samar, Leyte, Southern Leyte)
DU6 - Western Visayas[Region VI] (Antique, Aklan, Capiz, Iloilo, Negros Occidental)
DU7 - Central Visayas[Region VII] (Negros Oriental, Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor)
DU8 - Western Mindanao[Region IX] (Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, Basilan, Sulu, Tawitawi); Central Mindanao[Region XII] (Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat)
DU9 - Northern Mindanao[Region X] (Camiguin, Surigao del Norte, Misamis Occidental, Misamis Oriental, Agusan del Norte, Bukidnon, Agusan del Sur); Southern Mindanao[Region XI] (Surigao del Sur, Davao Oriental, Davao, Davao del Sur, South Cotabato)
DU0 Special Event Stations
E2A-E2Z Thailand (Also See HS)
...... E2 Thailand (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26)
E3A-E3Z Eritrea
...... E3 Eritrea (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37) [lat 15.3 long 38.9] Only contacts made November 14, 1962, and before, or May 24, 1991, and after, count for this entity.
E4A-E4Z Palestine**
...... E4 Palestine (As of Oct. 1, 1999) (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 31.3 long 34.3] {start 2/1/99}
E7A-E7Z Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of) Was T9
...... E7 Bosnia Herzegovina (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 43.8 long 18.4] {start 10/15/91}
EAA-EHZ Spain (Also See AM-AO)
EA, EB, EC, ED, EE, EF, EG, EH Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) [lat 40.4 long -3.7] {start 11/15/45}
EA1 Galicia: La Coruna-C, Lugo-LU, Orense-OR, Pontevedra-PO, Asturias: Oviedo-O.Cantabria: Santander-S, Castilla-Leon: Avila-AV, Burgos-BU, Leon-LE, Palencia-P, Salamanca-SA, Segovia-SG, Soria-SO, .. Valladolid-VA, Zamora-ZA, La Rioja: . Logrono-LO
EA2 Pays Vasco: Vizcaya,(Bilbao)-BI, Guipuzcoa (San Sebastian)-SS, Alava (Vitoria)-VI Navarra: Navarra-NA . Aragon: Huesca-HU,Teruel-TE, Zaragoza-Z
EA3 Catalunya: Barcelona-B,Gerona-GE, Lerida-L, Tarragona-T
EA4 Castilla-La Mancha: Albacete-AB, Ciudad Real-CR, Cuenca-CU, Guadalajara-GU, Toledo-TO Madrid: . Madrid-M Extremadura: Badajoz-BA, Caceres-CC
EA5 Comunidad Valenciana: Alicante-A, Castellon-CS, Valencia-V Murcia: Murcia-MU
EA6 Balearic Is Palma de Mallorca-PM (ITU 37 CQ 14) [lat 39.5 long 2.6] {start 11/15/45}
EA7 Balearic Andalucia: Almeria-AL, Cadiz-CA, Cordoba-CO, Granada-GR, Huelva-H, Jaen-J, . Malaga-MA, . Sevilla-SE (ITU 37 CQ 14)
EA8 Canary Is Gran Canaria-GC, S. Cruz de Tenerife-TF (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) [lat 28.4 long -15.3] {start 11/15/45}
EA9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) [lat 35.6 long -3] {start 11/15/45}
ED Antarctica
EA stations use the EH prefix on 50 MHz. EA1YV = EH1YV
EB Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EB6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EB8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... EB9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... EC Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EC6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EC8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... EC9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... EC9 Melilla (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... ED Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... ED6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... ED8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... ED9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... ED9 Melilla (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... EE Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ..... |
. EE6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) EE8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... EE9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... EF Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EF6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EF8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... EF9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... EG Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone14) ...... EG6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EG8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... EG9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) ...... EH Spain (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EH6 Balearic Is (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) ...... EH8 Canary Is (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33) ...... EH9 Ceuta (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) |
EIA-EJZ Ireland
...... EI, EJ Ireland (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 53.3 long -6.3] {start 11/15/45}
EKA-EKZ Armenia (Republic of)
...... EK Armenia (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 21) {lat 40.5 long 44.5] {start 1/1/94}
ELA-ELZ Liberia (Republic of) (Also See D5, 5L-5M, 6Z, A8)
...... EL Liberia (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 6.3 long -10.8] {start 11/15/45}
............ EL1 Grand Bassa, River Cess
...... ...... EL2 Montserrado, Bomi, Margibi
...... ...... EL3 Sinoe
...... ...... EL4 Maryland, Grand Kru
...... ...... EL5 Lofa
...... ...... EL6 Grand Gedeh
...... ...... EL7 Bong
...... ...... EL8 Nimba
...... ...... EL9 Grand Cape Mount
...... ...... EL0 Novices and Club Stations
EMA-EOZ Ukraine (Also See UR-UZ)
...... EM, EN, EO Ukraine--See Ukraine, UR-UZ (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 16) [lat 50.5 long 31] {start 1/1/94}
EM Antarctica
EPA-EQZ Iran (Islamic Republic of) (Also See 9B-9D)
...... EP, EQ Iran (ITU Zone 40 CQ Zone 21) [lat 35.8 long 51.8] {start 11/15/45}
ERA-ERZ Moldova (Republic of)
...... ER Moldova (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 16) [lat 47 long 29] {start 1/1/92}
............ ER1 Kishinev, Dubossary, Orgeev, Khyncheshty
...... ...... ER2 Tiraspol, Bendery, Kaushany
...... ...... ER3 Beltsy, Rybnitsa, Floreshty
...... ...... ER4 Yedintsy, Drokia, Soroki
...... ...... ER5 Kagul, Komrat, Leovo, Chadyr-Lunga
...... ...... ER6-ER9 reserved, special call signs
...... ...... ER0 foreign operators
...... ...... suffixes AA-ZZ 1st (highest), 2nd and 3rd license classes
...... ...... suffixes AAA-ZZZ 4th license class, novices
...... ...... suffixes KAA-KZZ club stations
ESA-ESZ Estonia (Republic of)
...... ES Estonia (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 15) [lat 58.5 long 25] {11/15/45}
...... ...... ES1 Tallin, North coast islands
...... ...... ES2 Harju
...... ...... ES3 Haapsalu, Rapla, Paide
...... ...... ES4 Kohtla-Järve, Narva, Rakvere
...... ...... ES5 Tartu, Jõgeva
...... ...... ES6 Põlva, Valga, Võru
...... ...... ES7 Viljandi
...... ...... ES8 Pärnu
...... ...... ES9 special licenses
...... ...... ES0 West coast islands
ETA-ETZ Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of) (Also 9E-9F)
...... ET Ethiopia (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37) [lat 9 long 38.7] {start11/15/45]
EUA-EWZ Belarus (Republic of) M
...... EU, EV, EW Belarus (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 16) [lat 54 long 27.5] {11/15/45}
...... ...... EU1, EW1 Minsk city
...... ...... EU2, EW2 Minsk region
...... ...... EU3, EW3 Brest region
...... ...... EU4, EW4 Grodno region
...... ...... EU5, EW5 reserved
...... ...... EU6, EW6 Vitebsk region
...... ...... EU7, EW7 Mogilev region
...... ...... EU8, EW8 Gomel region
...... ...... EU9, EW9 reserved
...... ...... EU0, EW0 foreigners
...... ...... EV5 special call signs
...... ...... EV1-EV4, EV6-EV8 with suffixes A-Z World War II veterans
...... ............ ...... suffixes XAA-XZZ club stations
...... ............ ...... suffixes YAA-YZZ YL’s
Ham Map of Belarus
EXA-EXZ Kyrgyz Republic
...... EX Kyrgyzstan (ITU Zone 30,31 CQ Zone 17) [lat 42 long 75] {start 1/1/94}
...... ...... Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix (excluding “extras”):
...... ...... M Chuyskaya oblast, Bishkek
...... ...... N Osh region
...... ...... P Naryn region
...... ...... Q Issyk-kul'skaya oblast, Przhevalsk
...... ...... T Talas region
...... ...... V Dzhalal-Abad region
...... ...... EX0A Kyrgyzstan Amateur Union HQ call sign
...... ...... EX1-EX3, EX5 amateur expeditions etc.
...... ...... EX9WA-EX9ZZ club stations
...... ...... EX8AA-EX8ZZ 2nd (200W PEP) and 3rd (novice, 10W PEP) license classes
...... ...... EX6A-EX8Z 1st license class (500W PEP)
...... ...... EX2A-EX2Z, EX8A-EX8Z, EX0A-EX0Z license class ‘extra’ (1kW PEP)
EYA-EYZ Tajikistan (Republic of)
...... EY Tadjikistan (ITU Zone 30 CQ Zone 17) [lat 39.5 long 67] {start 1/1/94}
...... ...... EY1 reserved for TARL stations
...... ...... EY2-EY3, EY0 reserved
...... ...... EY4 Gornyj Badakhshan
...... ...... EY5 Khatlonskaya Oblast (Kuliab Region
...... ...... EY6 Khatlonskaya Oblast (Kurgan-Tube Region)
...... ......EY7 Leninabadskaya Oblast
...... ...... EY8 Dushanbe city
...... ...... EY9 Dushanbe region
...... ............ ...... Suffixes AA-YZ, AAA-YZZ individual stations
...... ............ ...... Suffixes ZA-ZZ, ZAA-ZZZ club stations
...... ...... EY + Call area / Home Call visitors; visitors can apply for EY callsign
EZA-EZZ Turkmenistan
...... EZ Turkmenistan (ITU Zone 30 CQ Zone 17) [lat 38 long 58] {1/1/58}
...... ...... EZ1, EZ2 reserved
...... ...... EZ3 Veloyat Akhal (Ashgabad region)
...... ...... EZ4 Veloyat Balkan
...... ...... EZ5 Veloyat Mary
...... ...... EZ6 Veloyat Dashkhovuz
...... ...... EZ7 Veloyat Lebap
...... ...... EZ8 Ashgabad city
...... ...... EZ9 reserved
...... ...... EZ0 foreign operators
...... ............ ...... one-letter suffixes A-V club stations
...... ............ ...... one-letter suffixes W-Z individuals in international contests
FAA-FZZ France Also See (HW-HY, TH, TK, TM, TO-TQ, TV-TX)
F France (ITU 27 CQ 14) all bands (CEPT class 1) [lat 48.8 long 2.3] {11/15/45} FG Guadeloupe (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 16 long -61.7 (start 11/15/45} FH Mayotte (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -13 long 45.3] {start 7/6/75} FJ St. Barthelemy (St. Barts), (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) (start 12/14/07) FK Chesterfield Isle (ITU 56 CQ 32) [lat -19.8 long 158.1] {start 3/23/00} FK New Caledonia (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32) [lat -21.4 long 167] {start 11/15/45} FM Martinique (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 14.8 long -60.6 (start 11/15/45} FO Australs (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 32) [Lat -22.5 long -150] {start 4/1/98} FO Clipperton (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 07) [lat 10 long -109] (start 11/15/45} FO Tahiti (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 32) [lat -17.5 long -150] {start 11/15/45} FO0 is for reciprocal licenses. FO5 is usually main Tahiti FO Marquesas Isle (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 31) [lat -9 long -139.5] {start 4/1/98} FO/C Clipperton (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 07) FP St Pierre Miquelon (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05) [lat 46.7 long -56.1] (start 11/15/45} FR Glorioso (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -11.3 long 47.5] {start 6/22/60} FR Juan De Nova (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -17.2 long 43.1] {start 6/22/60} FR Reunion (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -21.1 long 55.6] {start 11/15/45} FR Tromelin (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) |
FR/G Glorioso (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) FR/J Juan De Nova (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) FR/T Tromelin (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) lat -21.1 long 55.6] {start 11/15/45} FS St Martin (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18.1 long -62.9] {start 11/15/45} FT0W Crozet (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) [lat -46.3 long 51.5] {start 11/15/45} FT0X Kerguelen Is (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) [lat -49.8 long 69.5] {start 11/15/45} FT0Z Amsterdam Paul (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) [lat -37 long 75] {start 11/15/45} FT2W Crozet (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT2X Kerguelen Is (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT2Z Amsterdam Paul (ITU Zone 69 CQ Zone 39) FT5W Crozet (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT5X Kerguelen Is (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT5Z Amsterdam Paul (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT8W Crozet (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT8X Kerguelen Is (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FT8Y Antarctica FT8Z Amsterdam Paul (ITU Zone 68 CQ Zone 39) FU France (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) FV France (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) FW Wallis Is (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) [lat -13 long 176.1] {start 11/15/45} FY French Guiana (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09) [lat 4.9 long -52.3] {start 11/15/45} FX French Satellites from amateur service. PREFIXES FOR SPECIAL CALLS TM : Continental France TO : DOM (Overseas Dept) |
Digits 0 : "Classe 3" 1 : "Classe 2" (CEPT B) 2 : Réserve. See note N1 3 : Réserve. See note N1 4 : "Classe 2" (CEPT B). See note N2 5 : "Classe 1" (CEPT A). See note N1 6 : "Classe 1" (CEPT A). See note N1 7 : Réserve. See note N1 8 : "Classe 1" (CEPT A). See note N1 9 : Réserve. See note N1 |
Note N1 : not used yet. For future use. F2xx, F3xx, F5xx, F6xx, F8xx and F9xx series at CEPT class 1. Note N2 : only the series 4xyz are for CEPT class B. Note N3 : 1 letter suffix not used, except for special temporary calls TM, TO & |
Suffix: Individuals, Continental France : A à Z - see note N3 AA à ZZ AAA à UZZ |
Suffix: Individuals, Overseas dept + Corsica : AA à ZZ |
Suffix: Clubs, Overseas dept + Corsica : KA à KZ |
Suffix: Clubs : Continental France : KAA à KZZ |
Suffix: Amateur operateur from the European Union living in France for more than 3 months : VAA à VZZ | Suffix: For future use : WAA à WZZ |
Suffix: X : "Balises" / Beacons Y : " Relais numériques" / Digital repeaters Z : "Relais analogiques" / Analogic repeaters |
GAA-GZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Also See 2A-2Z, MA-MZ, ZN-ZO, ZQA-ZQZ) Also, in every case, 'M' can be substituted for 'G' for newer calls.
...... G England (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 51.5 long -0.1] {11/15/45}
GB Special Event Station in the UK, Channel Is or Isle of Man. (Not Just England)
GC Wales (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 51.5 long -3.3] { 11/15/45}
GD Isle of Man (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 54.1 long -4.4] {11/15/45}
GE - Used During Queen's Silver Jubilee (1977)
GQ - Used during Queen's Diamond Jubilee (2002)
GH Jersey (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 49.2 long -2.1] { 11/15/45}
GI Northern Ireland (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 54.6 long -5.7] {start 11/15/45}
GJ Jersey (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 49.2 long -2.1] {11/15/45}
GM Scotland (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 55.9 long -4.4] {11/15/45}
GN Northern Ireland (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 54.6 long -5.7] {start 11/15/45}
GP Guernsey & Dependencies (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 49.4 long -2.6] { 11/15/45}
GS Scotland (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 55.9 long -4.4] { 11/15/45}
GT Isle Of Man (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 54.1 long -4.4] { 11/15/45}
GU Guernsey & Dependencies (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 49.4 long -2.6] {11/15/45}
GW Wales (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 51.5 long -3.3] {11/15/45}
GX England (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
Hans MM0XAU, MZ8A supplies the following information:
H2A-H2Z Cyprus (Republic of) (Also See C4, 5B , P3)
...... H2 Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
H3A-H3Z Panama (Republic of) (Also See HO, HP , 3EA-3FZ, H8, H9)
...... H3 Panama (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
H4A-H4Z Solomon Islands
...... H4 Solomon Is (ITU Zone 51 CQ Zone 28) [lat -9.8 long 158.7] {start 11/15/45}
H40 Temotu (ITU Zone 51 CQ Zone 28) [lat -9.8 long 158.8] {start 4/1/98}
H6A-H7Z Nicaragua (Also See HT, YN)
...... H6, H7 Nicaragua (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
H8A-H9Z Panama (Republic of) (Also See H3, HO, HP , 3EA-3FZ)
...... H8, H9 Panama (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
HAA-HAZ Hungary (Republic of) (Also See HG)
...... HA Hungary (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 47.5 long 19] {11/15/45}
...... ...... HA1 Gyor City, Gyor Sopron, Vas Zala
...... ...... HA2 Komarom Esztergom, Veszprem
...... ...... HA3 Tolna, Somogy, Pecs City, Baranya
...... ...... HA4 Fejer
...... ...... HA5 Budapest City
...... ...... HA6 Nograd, Heves
...... ...... HA7 Pest, Jasz Nagykun Szolnok
...... ...... HA8 Bacs Kiskun, Szeged City, Csongrad, Bekes
...... ...... HA9 Miskolc City, Borsod Abauj Zemplen
...... ...... HA0 Debrecen City, Hajdu Bihar, Szabolcs Szatmar Ber.
MAP Of Hungary Districts
HBA-HBZ Switzerland (Confederation of) (Also See HE)
...... HB Switzerland (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 14) [lat 46.2 long 6] {11/15/45}
...... HB0 Liechtenstein (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 14) [lat 47.1 long 9.5] {11/15/45}
HCA-HDZ Ecuador
...... HC, HD Ecuador (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10) [lat -0.2 long -78.5] {start 11/15/45}
HC1 Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha
HC2 Guyas, Los Rios
HC3 Loja, El Oro, Zamora Chinchipe
HC4 Esmeraldas, Manabi
HC5 Azuay, Canar, Morona Santiago
HC6 Bolivar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua
HC7 Napo, Pastaza, Sucumbios
...... HC8 Galapagos (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10) [lat -1.6 long -92] {start 11/15/45}
...... HD8 Galapagos (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10)
HEA-HEZ Switzerland (Confederation of) (Also See HB)
...... HE Switzerland (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 14)
HFA-HFZ Poland (Republic of) (Also 3Z, SN-SR) See SP
...... HF Poland (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15)
...... HF0 So Shetland (ITU Zone CQ Zone 13)
HF0 Antarctica Special Call : HF 0 POL - Polish Base , South Shetland - King George Island
HGA-HGZ Hungary (Republic of) (Also See HA)
...... HG Hungary (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15)
HHA-HHZ Haiti (Republic of) (Also See 4V)
...... HH Haiti (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18.5 long -72.3] (start 11/15/45}
HIA-HIZ Dominican Republic
...... HI Dominican Rep (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18.3 long -69.9] (start 11/15/45}
HI1 Isla Beata
HI2 Isla Saona, Isla Catalina
HI3 Duarte, Espaillat, La Vega, Monsenor Novel, Puerto Plata, Salcedo, Sanchez Ramirez, Santiago, Santiago Rodriguez
HI4 Dajabon, Monte Cristi, Valverde
HI5 Baoruco, Barahona, Independencia, Pedernales
HI6 Azua, La Estrelleta, San Juan
HI7 El Seibo, Hato Major, La Altagracia, La Romana, San Pedro de Macoris
HI8 Distrito Nacional, Monte Plata, Peravia, San Cristobal, Santo Domingo
HI9 Maria Trinidad Sanchez, Samana
HI0 Club Stations
HJA-HKZ Colombia (Republic of) (Also See 5J-5K)
...... HJ, HK Columbia (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09) [lat 4.6 long -74.1] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... .HK1 Atlantico, Bolivar, Cordoba, Sucre
...... ...... .HK2 Cesar, La Guajira, Magdalena, Norte de Santander
...... ...... HK3 Bogota, Cundinamarca, Guaviare, Meta
...... ...... HK4 Antioquia, Choco'
...... ...... HK5 Cauca, Valle del Cauca
...... ...... HK6 Caldas, Huila, Quindio, Risaralda, Tolima
...... ...... HK7 Arauca, Boyaca', Casanare, Santander
...... ...... HK8 Caqueta', Narino, Putumayo
...... ...... HK9 Amazonas, Guainia, Vaupes
...... HK0 Malpelo Is (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10)
...... HK0 San Andres Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
...... HK0/A San Andres Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 12.5 long -81.7] (start 11/15/45}
...... HK0/M Malpelo Is (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10) [lat 0.8 long -81.5] (start 11/15/45}
HLA-HLZ Korea (Republic of) (Also See D7-D9, DS-DT, 6K-6N)
...... HL South Korea (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 25) [lat 37.5 long 127] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... HL1 Seoul City
...... ...... HL2 Kyounggi, Kangwon, Inchon City
...... ...... HL3 North Chungchong, South Chungchong, Taejon City
...... ...... HL4 North Cholla, South Cholla, Kwangju City
...... ...... HL5 North Kyongsang, South Kyongsang, Pusan City
...... ...... HL8 Antarctica Korean Base
...... ...... HL9 US Personnel in Korea
...... ...... HL0 Club Stations
HMA-HMZ Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Also See P5 -P9)
...... HM North Korea (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 25)
HNA-HNZ Iraq (Republic of) (Also See YI)
...... HN Iraq (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21)
HOA-HPZ Panama (Republic of) (Also See H3, H8, H9, 3EA-3FZ)
...... HO, HP Panama (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 8.5 long -81.1] (start 11/15/45}
HP0 For special event stations of the Local Radio Amateur associations and clubs.
NOTE: Class C amateur radio operators will receive H3+ Province Radio District for a period of
5 years . Operation restricted all modes on 160-80-40-15-10 and 6 meters with 100 watts output.
HQA-HRZ Honduras (Republic of)
...... HQ, HR Honduras (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 14.1 long -87.2] (start 11/15/45}
...... ...... HR1 Comayagua, La Paz, F.Morazan (Tegucigalpa)
...... ...... HR2 Cortez, Yoro
...... ...... HR3 Atlantida, Colon, El Paraiso, Olancho, Gracias a Dios
...... ...... HR4 Choluteca, Valle
...... ...... HR5 Copan, Lempira, Intibuca', Ocotepeque, Santa Barbara
...... ...... HR6 Islas de la Bahia
...... ...... HR0 Foreign Operators
HSA-HSZ Thailand (Also See E2)
HS Thailand (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26) [lat 13.8 long 100.4]{start 11/15/45}
HS1 Bangkok, Nontaburi,Pathumtani, Samut Prakarn, Chainat, Phra Nakhon, Lop Buri, Saraburi, Ang Tong, Sing . Buri
HS2 Chantaburi,Chachoengsao, Chonburi,Trat, Nakhon Nayok,Prachin Buri, Rayong, Sa Kaeo
HS3 Nakhon Ratchasima, Chayaphum, Buri Ram, Ubon Ratchathani, Si Sa Ket, Surin
HS4 Kalasin, Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakham, Mukdahan, Roi Et, Yasothon, Sakon Nakhon, Nong Khai, Udon Thani, Loei
HS5 Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, Lampang, Nan, Phayao, Phrae, Mae Hong Son, Lamphun
HS6 Nakhon Sawan, Kamphaeng Phet, Phitsanulok, Tak, Phichit, Phetchabum, Sukhothai, Uttaradit, Uthai Thani
HS7 Nakhon Pathom, Samut Sakhon, Kanchanaburi, Suphan Buri, Prachuab Khiri Khan, Phetchaburi, . Ratchaburi, Samut Songkhram
HS8 Chumphon, Surat Thani, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phang Nga, Phuket, Ranong
HS9 Krabi, Trang, Pattani, Narathiwat, Phattalung, Yala, Songkhia, Satun
HS0 Foreign Operators
HTA-HTZ Nicaragua (Also See H6-H7, YN)
...... HT Nicaragua (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
HUA-HUZ El Salvador (Republic of) (Also See YS)
...... HU El Salvador (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
HVA-HVZ Vatican City State
...... HV Vatican City (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 41.9 long 12.3] {11/15/45}
HWA-HYZ France (Also See (FA- FZ, TH, TK, TM, TO-TQ, TV-TX)
...... HW, HX, HY France (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
HZA-HZZ Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) (Also See 7Z, 8Z)
...... HZ Saudi Arabia (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 24 long 45] {start 11/15/45}
I Italy (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15, Except as noted) [lat 41.8 long 12.6] {11/15/45} I1, IK1, IW1, IZ1 Piemonte and Liguria IX1 Valle d'Aosta I2, IK2, IW2, IZ2 Lombardia I3, IK3, IW3EAA-PZZ, IZ3 Veneto IN3, IW3AAA-DZZ Trentino A.A. IV3, IW3QAA-ZZZ Friuli V.G. I4, IK4, IW4, IZ4 Emilia Romagna I5, IK5, IW5, IZ5 Toscana I6, IK6, IW6, IZ6 Marche and Abruzzo I7, IK7, IW7, IZ7 Puglia and East Basilicata I8, IK8, IW8, IZ8 Campania, Molise, Calabria and West Basilicata I0, IK0, IW0AAA-TZZ Lazio and Umbria |
ISLANDS IT9, IW9 Sicily IS0, IW0UAA-ZZZ Sardinia [lat 40.1 long 9] {11/15/45} IA1, IP1 Liguria IA5 Toscana IB0 Lazio IC8 Campania ID8 Calabria Islands Dino and Cirella ID9, IE9, IF9 Sicily IG9, IH9 Sicily--Includes IG9-Lampedusa, Note ITU 37, CQ 33 IH9-Pantelleria Note ITU 37, CQ 33 IJ7, IL7 Puglia IM0 Sardinia IL3 Veneto IA, IR, IY Antarctica |
SPECIAL PREFIXES For special occasions such as contests and other celebrations, special callsigns may be issued. Generally, these are "2x1" callsigns. The used prefixes are: II, IO, IR, IU in any format with numbers from 0 to 9. IQ is for club stations prefix. The IY prefix is reserved for G. Marconi Memorial Stations. |
J2A-J2Z Djibouti (Republic of)
...... J2 Djibouti (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37) [lat 12 long 43] {start 11/15/45}
J3A-J3Z Grenada
...... J3 Grenada (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 12 long -61.2] (start 11/15/45}
J4A-J4Z Greece (Also See SV -SZ)
...... J4 Greece (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20)
...... J45 Dodecanese (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone)
...... J49 Crete (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20)
J5A-J5Z Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)
...... J5 Guinea Bissau (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 12 long -15] {start 11/15/45}
J6A-J6Z Saint Lucia
...... J6 St Lucia (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 14 long -61] (start 11/15/45}
J7A-J7Z Dominica (Commonwealth of)
...... J7 Dominica (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 15.4 long -61.3] (start 11/15/45}
J8A-J8Z Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
...... J8 St Vincent (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 13.3 long -61.3] {start 11/15/45}
JAA-JSZ Japan (Also See 7J-7N, 8J-8N)
Have you ever wondered how JA Ham's call sign system works? Click Here
...... JA, JB, JC, JD, JE, JF, JG, JH, JI, JJ, JK. JL, JM, JN, JO, JP, JQ, JR, JS Japan (ITU Zone 45 CQ Zone 25) [lat 34 long 133] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... . JA1-Kanto
...... ...... . JA2-Tokai
...... ...... . JA3-Kinki
...... ...... . JA4-Chugoku
...... ...... . JA5-Shikoku
...... ...... . JA6-Kyushu
...... ...... . JA7-Tohoku
...... ...... . JA8-Hokkaido
...... ...... . JA9-Hokuriku
...... ...... . JA0-Shin'etsu
NOTE: 7J used for foreign operators in Japanese Jurisdiction. (May have been discontinued)
...... JD1-Ogasawara
...... JD Minami Torishima (ITU Zone CQ Zone) [lat 24.3 long 141.4] {start 11/15/45}
...... JD Ogasawara (ITU Zone 45 CQ Zone 27) [lat 25 long 137] {start 11/15/45}
...... JD/O Ogasawara (ITU Zone 45 CQ Zone 27)
JTA-JVZ Mongolia
...... JT, JU, JV Mongolia (ITU Zone 32,33 CQ Zone 23) [lat 47.9 long 107] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... . JT1 Ulan Bataar
...... ...... . JT2 East (Choibalsan)
...... ...... . JT3 South (Dalan-Dzagad)
...... ...... . JT4 West (Kobdo)
...... ...... . JT5 North (Darkhan)
...... ...... . JT7 Northwest (Muren)
...... ...... . JT8 Southwest (Altai)
...... ...... . JT0 Foreign Operators
...... JU Mongolia Special calls, Contests (ITU Zone 32,33 CQ Zone 23)
JWA-JXZ Norway Also See 3Y, LA
...... JW Svalbard Is (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 40) [lat 78 long 16] {11/15/45}
...... JX Jan Mayen (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 40) [lat 70.9 long -8 [11/15/45}
JYA-JYZ Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
...... JY Jordan (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 31.9 long 35.9] {start 11/15/45}
JZA-JZZ Indonesia (Republic of) (Also See 7A-7I, 8A-8I, PK-PO, YB -YH)
...... JZ Indonesia (ITU Zone 51, 54 CQ Zone 28)
KAA-KZZ United States of America See W For Districts (Also See AA-AL, N)
K United States (ITU Zone 6,7, 8 CQ Zone 3,4,5)KA-KZ United States--See W for a list of States (ITU Zone 6,7 CQ Zone 3,4,5) [lat 44 long -72] {start 11/15/45} See Old/Changed Prefixes for old K Pacific calls KC4 Antarctica Bryd (ITU Zone CQ Zone 12) KC4 Antarctica McMurdo (ITU Zone CQ Zone 30) KC4 Antarctica Palmer (ITU Zone CQ Zone 13) KG4 USA OR Guantanamo Bay SEE NOTE KH0 Mariana Is (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) [lat 16 long 146] {start 11/15/45] KH1 Baker Howland (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) [lat 0.5 long -176] {start 11/15/45} KH2 Guam (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) [lat 14 long 145] {start 11/15/45} KH3 Johnston Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) [lat 16.7 long 169.5] {start 11/15/45} KH4 Midway Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) [lat 28 long -177.5] {start 11/15/45} |
KH5 Palmyra Is (ITU Zone 61,62 CQ Zone 31)[lat 6 long -163] {start 11/15/45} KH5K Kingman Reef (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) [lat 7.5 long -162.8] {start 11/15/45} KH6 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) [lat 20 long -157] {start 1/1/95} KH7 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) KH7K Kure Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) [lat 28.5 long -178.5] {start 1/1/58} KH8 American Samoa (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) [lat -14 long -171] {start 11/15/45} KH8 Swains Island (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) [lat -14 long -171] {start 7/ 22/06 KH9 Wake Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) [lat 19 long 167] {start 11/15/45} KL Alaska (ITU Zone 1,2 CQ Zone 01) [lat 59.9 long -150] {start 11/15/45} KP1 Navassa Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18 long -75] {start 11/15/45} KP2 Virgin Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18 long -64] {start 11/15/45} KP3 Puerto Rico (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) KP4 Puerto Rico (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18.5 long -66.2] {start 11/15/45} KP5 Desecheo Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18.3 long -67.5] {start 3/1/79} |
KG4 USA OR Guantanamo Bay (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 20 long -75] {start 11/15/45} Single letter suffixes KG4x and three letter suffixes KG4xxx can be issued anywhere in the USA 4th call district, and used anywhere in the USA. Two letter suffixes KG4xx are issued for Guantanamo Bay. |
LAA-LNZ Norway (Also See JW-JX, 3Y)
...... LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, LG, LH, LI, LJ, LK, LL, LM, LN Norway (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14) [lat 60
long 10.7] {11/15/45}
L2A-L9Z Argentine Republic (Also AY-AZ, L2-L9, LO-LW) See LU
...... L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9 Argentina (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 13)
LOA-LWZ Argentine Republic( Also See AY-AZ, L2-L9)
...... LO, LP, LQ, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LW Argentina (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 13) [lat -34.6 long -58.4] {start 11/15/45}
LU#A, B, C Buenos Aires City LU#D, E Buenos Aires Province LU#F Santa Fe LU#GA-GO Chaco LU#GP-GZ Formosa LU#H Cordoba LU#I Misiones LU#J Entre Rios LU#K Tucuman LU#L Corrientes LU#M Mendoza LU#N Santiago del Estero LU#O Salta LU#P San Juan LU#Q San Luis LU#R Catamarca |
LU#S La Rioja LU#T Jujuy LU#U La Pampa LU#V Rio Negro LU#W Chubut LU#XA-XO Santa Cruz LU#XP-XZ Tierra del Fuego LU#Y Neuquen LU#Z Antarctica Note: Patagonia is a region, including Neuquen LU#Y, Rio Negro (LU#V), Chubut (LU#W), Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego (LU#X), the southernmost provinces of Argentina |
. LXA-LXZ Luxembourg
...... LX Luxembourg (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 49 long 6.5}{start 11/15/45}
.......... .. LX 0 xxx Repeaters, Digipeaters or official RL call-sign
LX 1-2 xxx Full privilege license (class A)
LX 3 xxx VHF/UHF/SHF privilege license (class B)
LX 4-8 xxx Special Call-signs
LX 9 xxx Local club call-sign
LYA-LYZ Lithuania (Republic of)
...... LY Lithuania (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 15) [lat 54.5 long 25.5] {start 11/15/45}
LZA-LZZ Bulgaria (Republic of)
...... LZ Bulgaria (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20) [lat 42.7 long 23.3] {11/15/45}
.......... .. LZ1 Sofija City, Sofija Province, Plovdiv, Haskovo, Burgas
.......... .. LZ2 Montana, Lovec, Ruse, Varna
.......... .. LZ0 Club and Special Event Stations
LZ1, LZ3, LZ5 & LZ7 are for stations located in Southern LZ (South of the Balkan mountains).
LZ2, LZ4 & LZ6 are for stations located in Northern LZ.
Contest calls are a 1 letter suffix call (e.g. LZ5W). Same for LZ6 and LZ7.
LZ0 Antarctica
MAA-MZZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Also See 2A-2Z, G , ZN-ZO, ZQA-ZQZ)
M England (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MC Wales (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MD Isle of Man (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MH Jersey (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MI Northern Ireland (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MJ Jersey (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MM Scotland (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MN Northern Ireland (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MP Guernsey & Dependencies (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MS Scotland (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MT Isle Of Man (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MU Guernsey & Dependencies (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MW Wales (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
MX England (Clubs) (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
Hans MM0XAU, MZ8A supplies the following information:
NAA-NZZ United States of America See W For Districts (Also See K, AA-AL)
N Unites States (ITU Zone 7,8,9 CQ Zone 3,4,5)
NA-NZ Unites States--See W for list of States
N1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0--See W NC6 East Carolines (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 27) NC6 West Carolines (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) NC6/E East Caroline (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 27) NC6/W West Carolines (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) NH0 Mariana Is (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) NH1 Baker Howland (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) NH2 Guam (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) NH3 Johnston Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) NH4 Midway Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) NH5 Palmyra Is (ITU Zone 61,62 CQ Zone 31) NH5K Kingman Reef (ITU Zone CQ Zone) |
NH6 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) NH7 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) NH7K Kure Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) NH8 American Samoa (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) NH9 Wake Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) NL Alaska (ITU Zone 1,2 CQ Zone 01) NP1 Navassa Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) NP2 Virgin Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) NP3 Puerto Rico (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) NP4 Puerto Rico (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) NP5 Desecheo Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) |
OAA-OCZ Peru (Also See 4T)
...... OA, OB, OC Peru (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 10) [lat -12 long -77] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... OA1 Lambayeque, Piura, Tumbes
...... ...... OA2 Cajamarca, La Libertad
...... ...... OA3 Ancash, Huanuco
...... ...... OA4 Callao, Junin, Lima, Pasco
...... ...... OA5 Apurimac, Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Ica
...... ...... OA6 Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna
...... ...... OA7 Cuzco, Madre de Dios, Puno
...... ...... OA8 Loreto, Ucayali
...... ...... OA9 Amazonas, San Martin
...... ...... OA0 Special Event and Club Stations
OA0 Antarctica
ODA-ODZ Lebanon
...... OD Lebanon (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 33.9 long 35] {start 11/15/45}
OEA-OEZ Austria
...... OE Austria (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 48.2 long 16.3] {11/15/45}
...... ...... OE1 Wien
...... ...... OE2 Salzburg
...... ...... OE3 Niederroesterreich
...... ...... OE4 Burgenland
...... ...... OE5 Oberoesterreich
...... ...... OE6 Steiermark
...... ...... OE7 Tirol
...... ...... OE8 Karntern
...... ...... OE9 Vorarlberg
OFA-OJZ Finland
...... OF, OG, OH, OI, OJ Finland (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 15) [lat 60.2 long 25] {11/15/45}
...... ...... OH1 Turku-Pori
...... ...... OH2 Uudenmaa
...... ...... OH3 Haeme
...... ...... OH4 Mikkeli
...... ...... OH5 Kymi
...... ...... OH6 Keski-Suomi, Vaasa
...... ...... OH7 Kuopio, Pohjois-Karjala
...... ...... OH8 Oulu
...... ...... OH9 Lappi
...... OH0 Aland Is (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 15) [lat 60.2 long 20] {11/15/45}
...... OH0M Market Reef (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 15) [lat 60.3 long 19] {11/15/45}
...... OJ0 Market Reef (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 15)
OKA-OLZ Czech Republic
...... OK, OL Czech Republic (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 50.1 long 14.4] {1/1/93}
OMA-OMZ Slovak Republic
...... OM Slovakia (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 50.1 long 14.4] {1/1/93}
OM3, OM1 | Bratislava | ||
OM3, OM2 | Western Slovakia, west: Trnava, Pezinok, Malacky, Senica, Dunajska Streda, Galanta | ||
OM3, OM4 | Western Slovakia, north: Povazska B., Trencin, Prievidza. | ||
OM3, OM5 | Western Slovakia, centre/south: Topolcany, Nitra, Levice, Nove Zamky, Komarno, Zlate Moravce, Banovce B., Partizanske. | ||
OM3, OM6 | Central Slovakia, north: Zilina, Martin, Ruzomberok, Dolny Kubin, Liptovsky M. | ||
OM3, OM7 | Central Slovakia, centre/south: Banska Bystrica, Zvolen, Ziar H., Lucenec, Velky Krtis. | ||
OM3, OM8 | Eastern Slovakia, west/south: Poprad, Stara Lubovna, Spisska Nova Ves, Kosice, Trebisov, Roznava, Rimavska Sobota, Michalovce. | ||
OM9 | Foreign Operators | ||
OM3, OM0 | Eastern Slovakia, northeast: Humenne, Vranov T., Presov, Bardejov, Stropkov, Svidnik Medzilaborce. |
ONA-OTZ Belgium
ON, OO, OP, OQ, OR, OS, OT Belgium (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 50.9 long 4.4] {11/15/45} Three type of licenses.
ON2=Novice license, hey may work on 2m(144-145) and 70cm(430-440).They may use all modes (fm, ssb, packet, aprs,... except cw). The maximum output power they may use is 50w on both mbands. The suffix of Flemish ON2 station begins always with the letter A or B (exemple:ON2BBR). The suffix of a French or German ON2 station begins always with the letter K or L (example:ON2KAN). ON2 stations have always a 3 letter suffix. The exam for ON2 is a technical (30questions) exam and there are also 10 questions about the law. ON2 stations have no cept recommendation.
ON1=Technician, they may work all bands on vhf-uhf-ehf. They may use all modes, including cw. Maximum output power is 1Kw but not on the higher frequencies like 23cm,... The suffix of a Flemish ON1 station begins always with the letter A, B, C or D (Example:ON1DHZ). The suffix of a French or German ON1 station begins always with the letter K, L, or M (Example:ON1KZZ). ON1 stations mostly have 3 letter suffix but there are also 2 letter suffix ON1callsigns (example:ON1HK). The exam for ON1 stations is also a technical (30 questions) exam and there are also 10 questions about the law. ON1 stations have a cept recommendation, it is CEPT-2.
ON4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 =They may work on all hf bands (max 1Kw power) and all v-u-ehf bands in all modes. The suffix of an Flemish ON4 station begins always with the letter A, B, or C. (Example:ON4CFK). The suffix of an French or German ON4 station begins always with the letter K, L. (Example:ON4LED). ON5, 6, 7, 8 have always 2 letter suffix (example:ON6TT). ON9 stations are foreign stations with a temporary license, ON9A..=ON2, ON9B..=ON1, ON9C..=ON4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The exam is a 5wpm morse test.
ON0=this is for repeaters, nodes, clusters, digipeaters, bbs, beacons,...
OTX.=contest stations (x=the year, example a contest station wich work in 1995=OT5.)
OUA-OZZ Denmark (Also See 5P-5Q, XP)
...... OU, OV, OW, OX, OY, OZ Denmark (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14) [lat 55.7 long 12.6] {start 11/15/45}
OX Greenland (ITU Zone 5,75 CQ Zone 40) [lat 63 long -52] {start 11/15/45}
...... OY Faroe Is (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14) [lat 62 long -7] {Start 11/15/45}
P2A-P2Z Papua New Guinea
...... P2 Papua (ITU Zone 51 CQ Zone 28) [lat -7.3 long 146.4] {start 9/16/75}
P3A-P3Z Cyprus (Republic of) (Also See C4, H2, 5B)
...... P3 Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
...... P30 Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
...... P36 Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
P4A-P4Z Aruba
...... P4 Aruba (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 09) [lat 12.2 long -69.9] {start 1/1/86}
P5A-P9Z Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Also See HM)
...... P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 North Korea (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 25) [lat 41.5 long 125] {start 5/14/95}
PAA-PIZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
...... PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PI Netherlands (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14) [lat 52.4 long 4.9] {start 11/15/45} From 7 Aug 2003 there are new prefixes that can be heard on all bands calling from The Netherlands On HF: PA, PB, PC, PF PG and PI with 1, 2 or 3 letter suffix. On VHF and higher PD, PE AND PH with 1, 2 or 3 letter suffix -- Tnx - Peter, PC2A. As of 1 Sept 2003, PE and PH also allowed on HF bands, Tnx Jan PA1TT.
PJA-PJZ Netherlands (Kingdom of the)-Netherlands Antilles (but some PJ is France)
..... PJ Netherlands Antilles (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 09) Counts as a DXCC Entity
...... PJ St Maarten, France (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18 long -63{start 11/15/45} Counts as a DXCC entity
...... PJ2 Curacao, Netherlands Antilles (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 12 long -69] {start 11/15/45}
...... PJ4 Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles(ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 09)
...... PJ5 St. Eustatius, (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
PJ6 Saba, (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
...... PJ7 Sint Maarten (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
PJ8 Sint Maarten (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
.......PJ9 Netherlands Antilles (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 09)
PKA-POZ Indonesia (Republic of) (Also See 7A-7I, 8A-8I, JZ, YB -YH)
...... PK, PL, PM, PN, PO Indonesia (ITU Zone 51 CQ Zone 28)
PPA-PYZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) (Also See ZV-ZZ)
PP, PQ, PR, PS, PT, PU, PV, PW, PX, PY Brazil (ITU Zone 12, 13, 15 CQ Zone 11) [lat -23 long -43.2] {start 11/15/45}
PX-Brazil Citizen Band Assignments
PP - PY prefixes = Class A and Class B PU = Class C ZZ prefix for Class D (VHF) except for contest and special events. PP1-Espirito Santo (ES) |
PW8-Rondonia (RO) PY1-Rio de Janeiro (RJ) PY2-Sao Paulo (SP) PY3-Rio Grande do Sul (RS) PY4-Minas Gerais (MG) PY5-Parana (PR) PY6-Bahia (BA) PY7-Pernambuco (PE) PY8-Para (PA) PY9-Mato Grosso (MT) PY0A-Abrolhos Is. (ITU 13 CQ 11) PY0F-Fernando de Noronha Is. (ITU 13 CQ 11) [lat -3.8 long -32.5] {start11/15/45} PY0M-Martin Vaz Is. (ITU 15 CQ 11) PY0R-Atol das Rocas Is. (ITU13 CQ 11) PY0S-Sao Pedro & Sao Paulo (ITU 13 CQ 11) [lat 2 long -32] {start 11/15/45} PY0T-Trindade Is. (ITU 15 CQ 11) [lat -21 long -31] {start 11/15/45}
License Classes: A class calls start with PY, PP, PV, PQ, PT (depends on the state). They have no restrictions on the bands, modes or power up to 1kW. B class calls start with PY, PP, PV, PQ, PT (depends on the state). They are allowed to operate in the same bands and mode of the C classes plus Phone mode on 40m. C class calls start with PU and are allowed to operate in Phone mode only in 160m, 80m, 10m, VHF and above. Also CW and other digital modes in these bands plus 40m and 15m. D class calls start with ZZ and they are not allowed to operate in HF. Only VHF and above. The highest power for this class is 50W. Suffixes Starting with Z indicate a Foreigner (non-brazilian) e.g. PY0ZSW (Z = non brazilian and S = his location at St. Peter & St. Paul Archipelago) |
PZA-PZZ Suriname (Republic of)
...... PZ Suriname (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09) [;\lat 6 long -55] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... PZ1 Paramaribo, Wanica
...... ...... PZ2 Nickerie
...... ...... PZ3 Coronie
...... ...... PZ4 Saramacca
...... ...... PZ5 Foreign Resident Operators
...... ...... PZ6 Para
...... ...... PZ7 Brokopondo
...... ...... PZ8 Commewijne
...... ...... PZ9 Marowijne
...... ...... PZ0 Special Event Stations
RAA-RZZ Russian Federation (Also See UA-UI)
Russian amateurs use RAA-RZZ and UAA-UIZ prefix series of call signs.
ALSO FOR CQ Zones -- See Map By EI8IC
R0 -R4, R6, R7, R9 World War II Veterans, See Below
R0 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans)
R1 European Russia (World War II Veterans)
R2 European Russia Baltic Kaliningrad (World War II Veterans) [lat 54.8 long 20.9] {11/15/45}
R3 European Russia Central Russia (World War II Veterans)
R4 European Russia European Russia (World War II Veterans)
R6 European Russia (World War II Veterans)
R7 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans)
R9 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans)
R1Axx Antarctica
R1FJ Franz Jo Land [lat 82 long 55] {start 1/1/94}
R1MV Malyj Vysotskij [lat 60.6 long 28.6] {1/1/94}
R0-R9 Reserved for Special Events (Numerical Digit has no specific location)
RA1 to RZ1 European Russia-Northwest Russia
RA2 to RZ2 Baltic Kaliningrad
RA3 to RZ3 Central Russia
RA4 to RZ4 European Russia-Volga
RA5 to RZ5 (Reserved)
RA6 to RZ6 European Russia-Northern Caucasus
RA7 to RZ7 (Reserved)
RA8 to RZ8 Asiatic Russia-Far East, Buryatia
RA9 to RZ9 Asiatic Russia-Ural and Western Siberia
RA0 to RZ0 Asiatic Russia-Eastern Siberia and Far East
European Russia Prefixes and Zones
Asiatic Russia Prefixes and Zones
The Russian Federation consists of 92 'oblasts', which are territorial divisions. Each 'oblast' has two-letter designator, which is equivalent to former USSR three-figure 'oblast' designator. A further unique feature of the Russian call sign allocation system is the ability to determine which oblast the call sign is located in.
This is accomplished by the number and the letter following the number. For example, in the call sign RA9AE, the '9A' designates a station from the Chelyabinskaya oblast; in the call sign RW3FO, the '3F' designates a station from Moskovskaya oblast; in the call sigh RK3AWL, the '3A' designates a station from Moscow City (considered a separate oblast); and so forth.
The most common call signs are the six alphanumeric call signs 2x3 (such as RA3APW);these call signs are used by class IV, III, II operators, roughly equivalent (in order) to US Technician, Technician Plus, and General or Advanced class licensees. 1st class operators may use 2x3 call sign too. Five alphanumeric call signs (2x2, as in RA3XO) are used by the class I (the highest level attainable) individual license class, equivalent to US Extra class licensees. Club stations use six alphanumeric character call signs with the second letter W-Z (2x3, such as RW6AWT or RK9CWW).
‘Ordinary’ special calls begin with prefix UE (such as the recent special Red Banner Pacific Fleet special event station call sign UE56MM, broadcast from a former Soviet (Navy submarine). Using UE’s in contests is strictly forbidden.
Also special calls may have the following alphanumeric designators: 1x2 ("R" + figure + two letters), 1x3 (such as R1FJL, a special DXpedition call sign designating the location as Franz Josef Land) or 2x1 (such as RW2F, a special contest call of RK2FWA club station from Kaliningradskaya oblast).
S0 Western Sahara (Unofficial Prefix) (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33) [lat 24 long -14] {start 4/1/89}
S1A Principality of Sealand (Unofficial prefix) six miles off the eastern shores of Britain
S2A-S3Z Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
...... S2, S3 Bangladesh (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22) [lat 24 long 90.5] {start 11/15/45}
S5A-S5Z Slovenia (Republic of)
...... S5 Slovenia (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 46.1 long 14.5] {start 6/26/91}
S6A-S6Z Singapore (Republic of) (Also See 9V)
S6 Singapore
S7A-S7Z Seychelles (Republic of)
..... S7 Seychelles (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 39) [lat -4 long 56] {start 11/15/45}
S8A-S8Z South Africa (Republic of) (Also ZR-ZU) See ZS
...... S8 South Africa (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38)
S9A-S9Z Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of)
...... S9 Sao Tome (ITU Zone 47 CQ Zone 36) [lat 0.3 long 6] {start 11/15/45}
SAA-SMZ Sweden (Also See 7S, 8S)
...... SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF, SG, SH, SI, SJ, SK, SL, SM Sweden (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14) [lat 59.3 long 18] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... SM0 Stockholm City-A, Stockholm Laen-B
...... ...... SM1 Gotland-I
...... ...... SM2 Vaesterbotten-AC, Norrbotten-BD
...... ...... SM3 Gaevleborg-X, Vaesternorrland-Y, Jaemtland-Z
...... ...... SM4 Vaermland-S, Oerebro-T, Koppaberg-W
...... ...... SM5 Uppsala-C, Soedermanland-D, Oestergoetland-E, Vaestmanland-U
...... ...... SM6 Halland-N, Goeteborg och Bohus-O, Aelvborg-P, Skaraborg-R
...... ...... SM7 Joenkoeping-F, Kronoberg-G, Kalmar-H, Blekinge-K, Kristianstad-L, Malmoehus-M
...... SK Club Stations
...... SL Military Club Stations
SNA-SRZ Poland (Republic of) (Also See 3Z, HF)
...... SN, SO, SP, SQ, SR Poland (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 52.2 long 21] {start 11/15/45}
Call areas # :
1 - Zachodniopomorskie (Z)
2 - Pomorskie (F) , Kujawsko - Pomorskie (P)
3 - Wielkopolskie (W) , Lubuskie (B)
4 - Warmińsko - Mazurskie (J) , Podlaskie (O)
5 - Mazowieckie (R)
6 - Dolnośląskie (D) , Opolskie (U)
7 - Łódzkie (C) , Świętokrzyskie (S)
8 - Lubelskie (L) , Podkarpackie (K)
9 - Śląskie (G) , Małopolskie (M)
Special Call : HF 0 POL - Polish Base , South Shetland - King George Island
For more information on Individual Licenses, Club Stations, Special events, Foreign Ops, Scouts,--
SSA-SSM Egypt (Arab Republic of) Also See 6A-6B, SU)
...... SS Egypt (ITU Zone 38 CQ Zone 34)
SSN-STZ Sudan (Republic of the) (Also See 6T-6U)
...... ST Sudan (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 34) [lat 15.5 long 32.5] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... ST2 Khartoum and its region
...... ...... ST3 Wad Madani, central region
...... ...... ST4 Al Ubayyid, Kurdufan region
...... ...... ST5 Kassala, eastern region
...... ...... ST6 Port Sudan, northeast region
...... ...... ST7 Ad'Damir, northwest region
...... ...... ST8 Al'Fashir, Darfour region
...... ...... ST9 Malakal, central-south region; Wau, Bahr-al-Ghazal region
Sudan provinces:
A'Ali An Nil, Al Bahr Al Ahmar, Al Buhayrat, Al Jazirah, Al Khartum, Al
Qadarif, Al Wadah, An Nil Al Abyad, An Nil Al Azraq, Ash Shamaliyah, Bahr Al
Jabal, Gharb Al Istiwaiyah, Gharb Bahr Al Ghazal, Gharb Darfur, Gharb
Kurdufan, Janub Darfur, Jannub Kurdufan, Junqali, Kassala, Nahr An Nil,
Shamal Darfur, Shamal Kurdufan, Sharq Al Istiwaiyah, Sinnar, Shamal Bahr Al
Ghazal, Warab.
SUA-SUZ Egypt (Arab Republic of) (Also See 6A-6B, SSA)
...... SU Egypt (ITU Zone 38 CQ Zone 34) [lat 30 long 31.4] {start 11/15/45}
SVA-SZZ Greece (Also See J4A-J4Z)
SV, SW, SX, SY, SZ Greece (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20) [lat 38 long 23.7] {11/15/45}
SV/A Mount Athos (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20) [lat 40.2 long 24.3] {start 11/15/45] -- See Note 1
SV5 Dodecanese (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20) [lat 36.5 long 27.5] {start 11/15/45}
SV9 Crete (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20) [lat 34.4 long 25.2] {start 11/15/45}
SV1 Amfissa (Fokis); Athens (Attiki); Karpenision (Evritania); Khalkis;
Lamia (Fthiotis); Levadhia (Voiotia); Mesolongion (Akarnania)
SV2 Drama (Drama); Edhessa (Pella); Florina (Florina); Kastoria (Kastoria);
Katerini (Pieria); Kavala (Kavala); Kilkis (Kilkis); Kozani (Kozani);
Poliyiros (Khalkidhiki); Serrai (Serrai); Thessaloniki (Salonica); Veroia
SV3 Kalamata (Messinia); Corinth (Korinthia); Navplion (Argolis); Patrai
(Akhaia); Pirgos (Ilia); Sparta (Lakonia); Tripolis (Arkadhia)
SV4 Karditsa (Kardhitsa); Larisa (Larisa); Trikala (Trikala); Volos
SV5 Rodhos (Dhodhekanisos)
SV6 Arta (Arta); Igoumenitsa (Thesprotia); Ioannina (Ioannina); Preveza
(Preveza); Alexandroupolis (Evros); Komotini (Rodhopi); Xanthi (Xanthi)
SV7 Alexandroupolis (Evros); Komotini (Rodhopi); Xanthi (Xanthi)
Mitilini (Lesvos); Vathy (Samos); Zakinthos; (Zante)
SV9 Ayios Nikolaos (Lasithi); Iraklion (Iraklion); Khania (La Canea);
Rethimnon (Rethimni)
SV0 Foreign Operators
SW is the prefix for the vhf/uhf license Note 1. /A Mount Athos -- used previously but now may be used by anyone at his alternate qth, after the law change since Dec 2002.
T2A-T2Z Tuvalu
...... T2 Tuvalu (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) [lat -8.7 long 178.6] {start1/1/76}
T3A-T3Z Kiribati (Republic of)
...... T3 Banaba Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31)
...... T3 Central Kiribati (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 31)
...... T3 East Kiribati (ITU Zone 61,63 CQ Zone 31)
...... T3 West Kiribati (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31)
...... T30 West Kiribati (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) [lat -5 long 175] {start 11/15/45}
...... T31 Central Kiribati (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 31) [lat -4 long -165] {start 11/15/45}
...... T32 East Kiribati (ITU Zone 61,63 CQ Zone 31) [lat 1.9 long -157.4] {start 11/15/45}
...... T33 Banaba Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) [lat -4 long 170] {start 5/1/90}
T4A-T4Z Cuba (Also See CO , CL-CM)
...... T4 Cuba (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
T5A-T5Z Somali Democratic Republic (Also See 6O)
...... T5 Somalia (ITU Zone 48 CQ Zone 37) [lat 2 long 46] {start 7/1/60}
T6A-T6Z Afghanistan (Islamic State of) (Also See YA)
...... T6 Afghanistan (ITU Zone 40 CQ Zone 21)
T7A-T7Z San Marino (Republic of)
...... T7 San Marino (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 44 long 13] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... T70 Special Event & Club Stations
...... ...... T72 VHF
...... ...... T77 HF
T8A-T8Z Palau (Republic of)
...... T88 Belau (Palau)(KC6) (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) [lat 7.1 long 134.2] {start 11/15/45}
T9A-T9Z Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of) Now E7
...... T9 (now E7) Bosnia Herzegovina (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 43.8 long 18.4] {start 10/15/91}
T90A-T90Z Arabih Stations and Special Events T90AA-T90ZZ Arabih Stations and Special Events T90AAA-T90ZZZ Arabih Stations and Special Events T91A-T91Z A Class T91AAA-T91ZZZ Radio Clubs T92A-T92Z A Class T92AAA-T92ZZZ D Class T93A-T93Z A Class T94A-T94Z A Class T94AA-T94ZZ B Class T95A-T95Z A Class |
T95AAA-T95ZZZ C Class T96A-T96Z A Class T97A-T97Z A Class T98A-T98Z A Class T98AAA-T98ZZZ Foreign Operators T99A-T99Z A Class T99AA-T99ZZ Foreign Operators T99AAA-T99ZZZ Arabih and Event Stations T99XAA-T99XZZ Digital Nodes Identification T99VAA-T99VZZ 2m Repeaters Identification T99UAA-T99UZZ 70cm Repeaters Identification T99YAA-T99YZZ Radio Beacons Identification |
Bosnia and Hercegovina is CEPT member and accepts all CEPT conditions |
TAA-TCZ Turkey (Also See YM)
TA1 European Turkey, providences of: Edirne, Kirklareli, Tekirdag, and European part of Istanbul
TA2 Nortwestern Anatolia, providences of: Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bolu, Zonguldak, Ankara, Kirikkale, Eskisehir, Bilecik, and Asiatic part of Istanbul
TA3 Western Anatolia, providences of: Izmir, Manisa, Balikesir, Canakkale, Bursa
TA4 Southwestern Anatolia, providences of: Aydin, Usak, Kutahya, Afyonkarahisar, Isparta, Burdur, Antalya, Mugla, Denizli
TA5 Center-south Anatolia, providences of: Konya, Nigde, Içel, Karaman, Adana, Hatay, Nevsehir, Aksaray
TA6 Center-north Anatolia, providences of: Kastamonu, Çankiri, Kirsehir, Yozgat, Tokat, Amasya, Çorum, Samsun, Sinop
TA7 Northeastern Anatolia, providences of: Kayseri, Sivas, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Gumushane, Erzincan, Tunceli, Bayburt
TA8 Southeastern Anatolia, providences of: Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, Malatya, Elazig, Bingol, Diyarbakir, Mardin, Sanliurfa, Adiyaman
TA9 Eastern Anatolia, providences of: Erzurum, Rize, Artvin, Kars, Agri, Mus, Van, Bitlis, Siirt, Hakkari, Batman, Sirnak
TA0 Islands, Saros and Gokceada are European Turkey and others are Asiatic Turkey
TDA-TDZ Guatemala (Republic of) (Also See TG)
...... TD Guatemala (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
TEA-TEZ Costa Rica (Also See TI)
...... TE Costa Rica (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07)
TFA-TFZ Iceland
...... TF Iceland (ITU Zone 17 CQ Zone 40) [lat 64.1 long -22] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... TF1 Hveragerdi, Selfoss, Eyrarbakki, Hella, Vik, Kirkjubaejarklaustur
...... ...... TF2 Budardalur, Stikkisholmur, Olafsvik, Bogarnes, Akranes
...... ...... TF3 Reykjavik, Kopavogur, Hafnarfjoerdur, Pingvellir
...... ...... TF4 Vatneyn, Flateyri, Bolungarvik, Isafjoerdur, Holmavik
...... ...... TF5 Olafsfjoerdur, Dalvik, Akureyri, Husavik, Kopasker, Raufarhoefn, Reykjalid, Thorshoefn
...... ...... TF6 Grimmstadir, Vopnafjoerdur, Seydisfjoerdur, Eskifjoerdur, Neskaup, Budir, Djupivogur, Hoefn
...... ...... TF7 Vestmannaeyjar, Heimaey Isl., Surtsey Isl.
...... ...... TF8 Grindavik, Keflavik
...... ...... TF9 Hvammstangi, Bloenduos, Hoefdakaupstadur, Saudarkrokur
...... ...... TF0 Central unhabited Iceland
Map Of Iceland
TGA-TGZ Guatemala (Republic of) (Also See TD)
...... TG Guatemala (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 14.6 long -95] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... TG4 Chimaltenango, Escuintia, Santa Rosa, Solola, Suchitepequez
...... ...... TG5 Huehuetenango, Quiche, Totonicapan
...... ...... TG6 Chiquimula, Jutiapa, Zacapa
...... ...... TG7 Alta Verapaz, Izabal, Peten
...... ...... TG9 Baja Verapaz, Guatemala City,Jalapa, El Progreso, Sacatepequez
...... ...... TG0 Special Event Stations
THA-THZ France (Also See FA -FZ, HW-HY, TK, TM, TO-TQ, TV-TX)
...... TH France (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
TIA-TIZ Costa Rica (Also See TE)
...... TI Costa Rica (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 10 long -84] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... TI1 Special Event Stations
...... ...... TI2 San Jose
...... ...... TI3 Cartago
...... ...... TI4 Heredia
...... ...... TI5 Alajuela
...... ...... TI6 Limon
...... ...... TI7 Guanacaste
...... ...... TI8 Puntarenas
...... ...... TI0 Club and Special Event Stations
...... TI9 Cocos Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 5 long -87] {start 11/15/45}
TJA-TJZ Cameroon (Republic of)
...... TJ Cameroon (ITU Zone 47 CQ Zone 36) [lat 4 long 12] {start 11/15/45}
TKA-TKZ France (Also See FA -FZ, HW-HY, TH , TM, TO-TQ, TV-TX)
...... TK Corsica (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 42.1 long 8.9] {11/15/45}
TLA-TLZ Central African Republic
...... TL Central Africa Rep (ITU Zone 47 CQ Zone 36) [lat 4.5 long 18] {start 8/13/60}
TMA-TMZ France (Also See FA -FZ, HW-HY, TH , TK, TO-TQ, TV-TX)
...... TM France/Europe (Outside France) mostly used during contests. This is a generic special call French prefix. . Issued for 2 weeks maximum. Check QSL Routes at URL:callbooks.html
TNA-TNZ Congo (Republic of the)
...... TN Congo (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [ lat -4 long 15] {start 8/15/60}
TOA-TQZ France (Also See FA -FZ, HW-HY, TH , TK, TM, TV-TX)
TO,TO, TP, TQ France
...... TO France (Outside France)--TO is for DOM (Departements d'outre-mer)
...... TO5M St. Pierre Miquelon (Typical Assignment)
...... TQ France (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
TP, is attributed since 15 Years ago by french administration to the Council of
Europe. See Council of Europe
TRA-TRZ Gabonese Republic
...... TR Gabon (ITU Zone 52 CQ Zone 36) [lat 0.5 long 9] {start 8/17/60}
TSA-TSZ Tunisia (Also See 3V)
...... TS Tunisia (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 33)
TTA-TTZ Chad (Republic of)
...... TT Chad (ITU Zone 47 CQ Zone 36) [lat 12 long 15] {start 8/11/60}
TUA-TUZ Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of)
...... TU Ivory Coast (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 5.5 long -4] {start 8/7/60}
TVA-TXZ France (Also See FA -FZ, HW-HY, TH , TK, TM, TO-TQ)
...... TV, TW, TX France (ITU Zone 27 CQ Zone 14)
TX France--TX is for TOM (Territoires d'outre-mer)
TX Chesterfield Isle (ITU 56 CQ 32)
TYA-TYZ Benin (Republic of)
...... TY Benin (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 6.3 long 2.3] {start 8/1/60}
TZA-TZZ Mali (Republic of)
...... TZ Mali (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 13 long -8] {start 6/20/60}
UAA-UIZ Russian Federation (Also See RA-RZ)
Russian amateurs use RAA-RZZ and UAA-UIZ prefix series of call signs.
For Oblast Numbers and 2 letter codes
U0 -U4, U6, U7, U9 World War II Veterans, See Below
U0 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans)
U1 European Russia (World War II Veterans)
U2 European Russia Baltic Kaliningrad (World War II Veterans)
U3 European Russia Central Russia (World War II Veterans)
U4 European Russia European Russia (World War II Veterans)
U6 European Russia (World War II Veterans)
U7 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans)
U9 Asiatic Russia (World War II Veterans)
UA0 to UI0 Asiatic Russia-Eastern Siberia and Far East
UA1 to UI1 European Russia-Northwest Russia [lat 54.1 long 39.5] {start 11/15/45}
UA2 to UI2 Baltic-Kaliningrad
UA3 to UI3 Central Russia
UA4 to UI4 European Russia-Volga
UA5 to UI5 Reserved) UA6 to UI6 European Russia-Northern Caucasus
UA7 to UI7 (Reserved) UA8 to UI8 Asiatic Russia-Far East, Buryatia
UA9 to UI9 Asiatic Russia-Ural and Western Siberia [lat 48.5 long 132] {start 11/15/45}
European Russia Prefixes and Zones
Asiatic Russia Prefixes and Zones
UJA-UMZ Uzbekistan (Republic of)
UJ, UK, UL, UM Uzbekistan (ITU Zone 30 CQ Zone 17) [lat 40 long 64 {start 1/1/94}
U8 World War II veterans
Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:
A Tashkent city
B Tashkent region
C Kashkadar’inskaya oblast
D Syrdar'inskaya oblast, Gulistan
F Andizhan region
G Fergana region
I Samarkand region
L Bukhara region
O Namangan region
Q Navoi region
T Surkhandar'inskaya oblast, Termez
U Khorezmskaya oblast, Urgench
V Dzhizak region
Z Karakalpakstan rep., Nukus
UK7A-UK9Z, UK7AA-UK9VZ individuals
UK7WA-UK9WZ club stations
UNA-UQZ Kazakhstan (Republic of)
UN , UO, UP, UQ Kazakhstan (ITU Zone 29-31 CQ Zone 17) [lat 53 long 76}{start 1/1/94}
UNA-UNZ ordinary license
UPA-UPZ special license
UOA-UOZ, UQA-UQZ reserved
one-letter suffixes “extra” license category
two-letter suffixes 1st license category
three-letter suffixes 2,3,4 (novices) license category
suffixes XA-XZ emergency service
Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:
A Mangistau region B Akmolinsk region C Petropavlovsk region D Semipalatinsk region E Kokchetav (Kokshetau) region F Pavlodar region G Alma-Ata (Almaty) city I Aktyubinsk region J East-Kazakhstan region, Ust' Kamenogorsk K Kzyl-Orda region |
L Kustanay region M Uralsk region N Chimkent (Shymkent) region O Atyrau region P Karaganda region Q Alma-Ata (Alamaty) region R Dzhezkazgan (Zhezkazgan) region S Leninsk (Baikonur) T Dzhambul (Zhambyl) region V Taldy-Kurgan (Taldykorgan) region Y Turgayskaya oblast, Arkalyk |
URA-UZZ Ukraine (Also See EM-EO)
UR, US, UT, UU, UV, UW, UX, UY, UZ Ukraine (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 16)
U5 World War II veterans
UU1J-UU8J, UU0J KR Crimea, Simferopol
UU9J SL Sevastopol
URA-UYZ ordinary license
EMA-EOZ special license
UVA-UWZ, UZA-UZZ reserved
two-letter suffix 1st (highest) license category
three-letter suffix 2nd,3rd,4th license categories
second letter of three-letter suffix W-Z club stations
Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:
A SU Sumy B TE Ternopol C CH Cherkassy D ZA Zakarpatskaya oblast, Uzhgorod E DN Dnepropetrovsk F OD Odessa G HE Kherson H PO Poltava I DO Donetsk K RI Rivno L HA Kharkov M LU Lugansk N VI Vinnitsa |
P VO Volynskaya oblast, Lutsk Q ZP Zaporozhie R CR Chernigov S IF Ivano-Frankivsk T HM Khmelnitsky U KO, KV Kiev city and Kiev region V KI Kirovograd W LV Lviv X ZH Zhitomir Y CN Chernovtsy Z NI Nikilaev |
V2A-V2Z Antigua and Barbuda
...... V2 Antigua (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 17 long -59.8] {start 11/15/45}
V3A-V3Z Belize
...... V3 Belize (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 17.5 long -88.3] {start 11/15/45}
V4A-V4Z Saint Kitts and Nevis
...... V4 St Kitts (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 17.3 long -62.6] {start 5/31/58}
V5A-V5Z Namibia (Republic of)
...... V5 Namibia (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38) [lat -22 long 18.1] {start 11/15/45}
...... V50 Namibia (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38)
...... V51 Namibia (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38)
V6A-V6Z Micronesia (Federated States of)
...... V6 Fed Micronesia (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 27) [lat 6.98 long 158.15] {start 11/15/45}
...... V63 Fed Micronesia (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 27)
V7A-V7Z Marshall Islands (Republic of the)
...... V7 Marshall Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) [lat 9 long 167] {start 11/15/45}
...... V73 Marshall Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31)
V8A-V8Z Brunei Darussalam
...... V85 Brunei (ITU Zone 54 CQ Zone 28) [lat 5 long 115] {start 11/15/45}
VAA-VGZ Canada (Also See CF-CK, CY-CZ, VO, VX-VY, XJ-XO)
VA Canada VA2 Quebec (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 02) VA3 Ontario (ITU Zone 04 CQ Zone 04) VA4 Manitoba (ITU Zone 04 CQ Zone 04) VA5 Saskatchewan (ITU Zone 03 CQ Zone 04) VA6 Alberta (ITU Zone 02,03 CQ Zone 04) VA7 British Columbia (ITU Zone 02 CQ Zone 03) VB Canada VC Canada VD Canada VY0 Nunavut -- New Territory as of April, 1999, composed of land that had formed the eastern part of the Northwest Territories (VE8). Most of Nunavut is in CQ Zone 2, as are all but three of Nunavut's 20-odd Amateurs. The westernmost part of Nunavut lies in Zone 1. Akimiski Island and other islands in James Bay are part of Nunavut, but are in Zone 4. Note that all the islands in Hudson, James and Ungava Bays are part of Nunavut, no matter how close they are to the shorelines of Manitoba, Ontario or Quebec. ITU Zones are 2, 3, 4 and 75 Nunavut Map |
VE Canada [lat 54 long -106] {start 11/15/45} VE1 New Brunswick (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05) VE1 Nova Scotia (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05) VE2 Quebec (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 02) VE3 Ontario (ITU Zone 04 CQ Zone 04) VE4 Manitoba (ITU Zone 04 CQ Zone 04) VE5 Saskatchewan (ITU Zone 03 CQ Zone 04) VE6 Alberta (ITU Zone 02,03 CQ Zone 04) VE7 British Columbia (ITU Zone 02 CQ Zone 03) VE8 Northwest Terr. Yukon (ITU 01 CQ 01) VE9 New Brunswick (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05) VE0 Stations at sea VF Canada VG Canada
VHA-VNZ Australia (Also See AX, VZ)
VH Australia ITU 55,58,59 CQ 29,30 VI Australia ITU 55,58,59 CQ 29,30 "VI" is a special event call signs used only by clubs or associations. VJ Australia ITU 55,58,59 CQ 29,30 VK Australia ITU 55,58,59 CQ 29,30 [lat -30 long 134] {start 11/15/45} VK1 Australia-ACT, Capital Territory ITU 59 CQ 30 VK2 Australia-New So Wales ITU 59 CQ 30 VK3 Australia-Victoria ITU 59 CQ 30 VK4 Australia-Queensland ITU 55 CQ 30 VK5 Australia-South Australia ITU 59 CQ 30 VK6 Australia-Western Australia ITU 58 CQ 29 VK7 Australia-Tasmania ITU 59 CQ 30 VK8 Australia-No Territory ITU 55 CQ 29 |
VK9/C Cocos Keeling ITU 54 CQ 29 [lat -12.2 long 96.8] {start 11/15/45} VK9/H Lord Howe ITU 60 CQ 30 [lat -32 long 158} {start 11/15/45} VK9/M Mellish Reef ITU 55 CQ 30 [lat -17 long 160] {start 11/15/45} VK9/N Norfolk Is (ITU 60 CQ 32 [lat -31.6 long 168] {start 11/15/45} VK9R Rowley Shoals Atolls (CQ 29) {17deg 31min south, 118deg 46min east} VK9/W Willis Is ITU 55 CQ 30 [lat -16 long 149.5] {start 11/15/45} VK9X Christmas Is ITU 54 CQ 29 [lat -10.5 long 105.7] {start 11/15/45} VK0 Heard Is ITU 68 CQ 39 [lat -52.5 long 73.9] {start 11/15/45} VK0 Macquarie Is ITU 60 CQ 30 [lat -53 long 158] {start 11/15/45} VK0 Antarctica VL Australia commercial users VM Australia commercial users VN Australia commercial users |
VOA-VOZ Canada (Also See CF-CK, CY-CZ, VA-VG, VX-VY, XJ-XO
VO Canada (ITU Zone 02,03,04,09,75 CQ Zone 01-05)
VO1 Newfoundland (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05)
VO2 Labrador (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 02)
VPA-VQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
VP2E Anguilla (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 18.3 long -63] {start 11/15/45}
VP2M Montserrat (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 16.8 long -62.2] {start 11/15/45}
VP2V Brit Virg Isle (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 16.8 long -62.2] {start 11/15/45}
VP5 Turks Caicos (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 22 long -72] {start 11/15/45}
VP6 Pitcairn (New) (old VR6) Effective May 1 (1998). (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 32) [lat -25.1 long -130.1] {11/15/45}
VP6D Ducie Island (OC-182) (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 32) Lat -24.67 Long -124.8 W. Officially added to DXCC list on June 1, 2002. November 16, 2001 Start Date For Contacts. Ducie Map
VP8/F Falkland Is (ITU Zone 16 CQ Zone 13) [lat -51.7 long -58] {start 11/15/45}
VP8/G So Georgia (ITU Zone 73 CQ Zone 13) [lat -54.18 long -38.48] {start 11/15/45}
VP8/O So Orkney (ITU Zone 73 CQ Zone 13) [lat -60 long -46] {start 11/15/45}
VP8/SA So Sandwich (ITU Zone 73 CQ Zone 13) [lat -62 long -27] {start 11/15/45}
VP8/SH So Shetland (ITU Zone 73 CQ Zone 13) [lat -62 long -60] {start 11/15/45}
VP8 Antarctica
VP9 Bermuda (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 05) [lat 32.3 long -64.7] {start 11/15/45}
VQ9 Chagos (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 39) [lat -7.3 long 72.4] {start 11/15/45}
VRA-VRZ China (People's Republic of)-Hong Kong
VRA-VRZ Now China (ITU Zone 33,42,43,44 CQ Zone 23,24)
VR2 Hong Kong (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 24)
VR6 Was Pitcairn Is--Now China--See VP6 For new Pitcairn Is Prefix (Effective May 1, 1998)
VSA-VSZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
VTA-VWZ India (Republic of) (See Also 8T-8Y, AT-AW)
...... VT, VU, VV, VW India (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22) [lat 23.6 long 80.4] {start 11/15/45}
...... VU7 Laccadive Is (ITU Zone 41 CQ Zone 22) [lat 10 long 82}{start 11/15/45}
VU7 Andaman & Nicobar Isles (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26) [9.3 long 93] {start 11/15/45}
VU Antarctica
VXA-VYZ Canada (Also See CF-CK, CY-CZ, VA-VG, VO, XJ-XO See VE
...... VX, VY Canada (ITU Zone 02,03,04,09,75 CQ Zone 01-05)
..... VY1 Yukon ( ITU Zone 01 CQ Zone 01)
...... VY2 Prince Edward Is (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05)
...... VY9 Prince Edward Is (ITU Zone 09 CQ Zone 05)
VY9 Government of Canada
VY0 Nunavut -- New Territory as of April, 1999, composed of land that had formed the eastern part of the Northwest Territories (VE8). Most of Nunavut is in CQ Zone 2, as are all but three of Nunavut's 20-odd Amateurs. The westernmost part of Nunavut lies in Zone 1. Akimiski Island and other islands in James Bay are part of Nunavut, but are in Zone 4. Note that all the islands in Hudson, James and Ungava Bays are part of Nunavut, no matter how close they are to the shorelines of Manitoba, Ontario or Quebec. ITU Zones are 2, 3, 4 and 75.
VZA-VZZ Australia See VK for Districts (Also See AX, VH-VN)
...... VZ Australia (ITU Zone 55,58,59 CQ Zone 29,30)
WAA-WZZ United States of America Also See AA thru AL, N, and K
W United States (ITU Zone 6,7,8 CQ Zone 3,4, 5)
The first one or two letters identify the country the station is licensed in.
The prefix letters used for stations in the United States are...
A (AA-AL), e.g., AC6V
K (KA-KZ), e.g., K6DX, KC6UQH
N (NA-NZ), e.g., N6KI
W (WA-WZ), e.g., W6AM
The number indicates the U.S. district of license. The U.S. is broken down into 10 regions (0-9). See Below.
(NOTE: US Amateurs may keep their calls when moving to another district--so a W1 may in fact reside in California (W6)
The suffix (last one, two, or three letters) are unique.
Callsigns may reflect the license class, although many keep a lesser callsign when upgrading.
A 2-by-3 [two letters, a number, and three letters] callsign typically belongs to a Novice or Technician
operator, e.g., KC6UQH. Also some of the newer General operators have a 2-by-3 call.
A 1-by-3 callsign usually belongs to older Technician and General class operators. e.g., N6AEK. These callsigns were 'used up' in the sequential callsign system, so newer Tech and General operators are now receiving 2-by-3 calls.
A 2-by-2 call usually belongs to an Advanced or a newer Extra class operator. An Extra 2-by-2 usually starts with an 'A'. e.g., AC6HZ. An Advanced 2-by-2 usually starts with a 'K', 'N', or 'W'. e.g., KB5MU
A 1-by-2 or 2-by-1 call usually belongs to an older Extra class operator. e.g., N6ST, AC6V. When these sequential callsigns were 'used up', the Extra class operators started receiving 2-by-2 calls starting with the AA block.
A 1-by-1 callsign is very special. It is assigned to a special event station for a short period of time. They
are not assigned to individual operators as their regular callsign. e.g., W0W See URL: 1X1 Calls
USA License Class Privileges are shown at BandPlans
USA State Facts
US Counties-All 3076 Of Them
Continental USA--WA-WZ United States (XX)= State Abbreviation
W0 (CO) Colorado ITU 7 Zone CQ 4 W0 (IA) Iowa ITU 7 CQ 4 W0 (KS) Kansas ITU 7 CQ 4 W0 (MN) Minnesota ITU 7 CQ 4 W0 (MO) Missouri ITU 7 CQ 4 W0 (NE) Nebraska ITU 7 CQ 4 W0 (ND) North Dakota ITU 7 CQ 4 W0 (SD) South Dakota ITU 7 CQ 4 W1 (CT) Connecticut ITU 08 CQ 5 W1 (ME) Maine ITU 08 CQ 5 W1 (MA) Massachusetts ITU 08 CQ 5 W1 (NH) New Hampshire ITU 08 CQ 5 W1 (RI) Rhode Island ITU 08 CQ 5 W1 (VT) Vermont ITU 08 CQ 5 W2 (NJ) New Jersey ITU 08 CQ 5 W2 (NY) New York ITU 08 CQ 5 W3 D.C. ITU 08 CQ 5 W3 (DE) Delaware ITU 08 CQ 5 |
W3 (MD) Maryland ITU 08 CQ 5 W3 (PA) Pennsylvania ITU 08 CQ 5 W4 (AL) Alabama ITU 08 CQ 4 W4 (FL) Florida ITU 08 CQ 5 W4 (GA) Georgia ITU 08 CQ 5 W4 (KY) Kentucky ITU 08 CQ 4 W4 (NC) North Carolina ITU 08 CQ 5 W4 (SC) South Carolina ITU 08 CQ 5 W4 (TN) Tennessee ITU 08 CQ 4 W4 (VA) Virginia ITU 08 CQ 5 W5 (AR) Arkansas ITU 7 CQ 4 W5 (LA) Louisiana ITU 7 CQ 4 W5 (MS) Mississippi ITU 08 CQ 4 W5 (NM) New Mexico ITU 7 CQ 4 W5 (OK) Oklahoma ITU 7 CQ 4 W5 (TX) Texas ITU 7 CQ 4 W6 (CA) California ITU 6 CQ 3 W7 (AZ) Arizona ITU 6 CQ 3 W7 (ID) Idaho ITU 6 CQ 3 |
W7 (MT) Montana ITU 6 (excluding Montana east of 110W) (ITU 7 Montana east of 110W), Both are CQ 4 W7 (NV) Nevada ITU 6 CQ 3 W7 (OR) Oregon ITU 6 CQ 3 W7 (UT) Utah ITU 6 CQ 3 W7 (WA) Washington ITU 6 CQ 3 W7 (WY) Wyoming ITU 6 (excluding Wyoming east of 110W) (ITU 7 Wyoming east of 110W),Both are CQ 4 W8 (MI) Michigan ITU 08 CQ 4 |
Outside The Continental USA--WA-WZ United States
WH0 Mariana Is (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) WH1 Baker Howland (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) WH2 Guam (ITU Zone 64 CQ Zone 27) WH3 Johnston Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) WH4 Midway Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) WH5 Palmyra Is (ITU Zone 61,62 CQ Zone 31) WH5K Kingman Reef (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) WH6 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) WH7 Hawaii (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) |
WH7K Kure Is (ITU Zone 61 CQ Zone 31) WH8 American Samoa (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) WH9 Wake Is (ITU Zone 65 CQ Zone 31) WL Alaska (ITU Zone 1,2 CQ Zone 01) WP1 Navassa Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) WP2 Virgin Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) WP3 Puerto Rico (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) WP4 Puerto Rico (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) WP5 Desecheo Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) |
XAA-XIZ Mexico (Also See 4A-4C, 6D-6J)
XA, XB, XC, XD, XE, XF, XG, XH, XI Mexico (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 06) [lat 19.4 long -99] {start 11/15/45}
XE1 Colima, Distrito Federal, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Puebla, Queretaro, Tlaxcala, Veracruz
XE2 Aguascalientes, Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas
XE3 Campeche, Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Yucatan
XF1 Pacific Islands
XF2 Caribbean islands-west of 90°W
XF3 Caribbean islands-east of 90°W
XF0 Revilla Gigedo (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 06)
XF4 Revilla Gigedo (ITU Zone 10 CQ Zone 06) [lat 18 long -112] {start 11/15/45}
XJA-XOZ Canada (Also CF-CK, CY-CZ, VA-VG, VO, VX-VY) See VE
...... XJ, XK, XL, XM, XN, XO Canada (ITU Zone 02,03,04,09,75 CQ Zone 01-05)
XPA-XPZ Denmark (Also See 5P-5Q, OU-OZ)
...... XP Denmark (ITU Zone 18 CQ Zone 14)
XP Greenland (ITU Zone 5,75 CQ Zone 40)
XQA-XRZ Chile (Also CE , 3G)
...... XQ, XR Chile (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 12)
...... XQ0X San Felix/San Ambrosio (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 12) [lat -26 deg long 80 deg]
...... XQ0Y Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12)
...... XQ0Z Juan Fernandez (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 12)
...... XR Chile (ITU Zone 14, 16 CQ Zone 12)
XR0X San Felix/San Ambrosio (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 12) [lat -26 deg long 80 deg]
...... XR0Y Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12)
...... XR0Z Easter Island (ITU Zone 63 CQ Zone 12)
XSA-XSZ China (People's Republic of) (Also See 3H-3U, BY , VR)
...... XS China (ITU Zone CQ Zone 23,24)
XTA-XTZ Burkina Faso
...... XT Burkina Faso (ITU Zone 46 CQ Zone 35) [lat 12.3 long -1.7] {start 8/5/60}
XUA-XUZ Cambodia (Kingdom of)
...... XU Kampuchea (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26) [lat 11.5 long 105] {start 7/20/55}
XVA-XVZ Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) (Also See 3W)
...... XV Vietnam (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26)
XWA-XWZ Lao People's Democratic Republic
...... XW Laos (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26) [lat 18 long 102.5] {start 7/20/55}
XXA-XXZ Portugal
...... XX Macao (ITU Zone 44 CQ Zone 24) [lat 22.1 long 113.5} {start11/15/45}
XYA-XZZ Myanmar (Union of)
...... XY, XZ Burma (ITU Zone 49 CQ Zone 26) [lat 16.8 long 96] {start 11/15/45}
YAA-YAZ Afghanistan (Islamic State of) (Also See T6)
...... YA Afghanistan (ITU Zone 40 CQ Zone 21) [lat 32 long 65] {start 11/15/45}
YBA-YHZ Indonesia (Republic of) (Also See 7A-7I, 8A-8I, JZ, PK-PO)
...... YB, YC, YD, YE, YF, YG, YH Indonesia (ITU Zone 51, 54 CQ Zone 28) [lat -6 long 107] {start 5/1/63}
...... ...... YB1 West Java, Banten
...... ...... YB2 Central Java, Yogyakarta
...... ...... YB3 East Java
...... ...... YB4 South Sumatra, Lampung, Jambi, Bengkulu
...... ...... YB5 West Sumatra, Riau
...... ...... YB6 Aceh, North Sumatra
...... ...... YB7 South Borneo, Central Borneo, East Borneo, West Borneo
...... ...... YB8 South Celebes, Southeast Celebes, Central Celebes, North Celebes, Maluku
...... ...... YB9 Bali,Western Isl of the Sonda, Eastern Isl of the Sonda, West Timor, West New Guinea
...... ...... YB0 Jakarta
YIA-YIZ Iraq (Republic of) (Also See HN)
...... YI Iraq (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 21) [lat 33 long 44.5] {start 11/15/45}
YJA-YJZ Vanuatu (Republic of)
...... YJ Vanuatu (ITU Zone 56 CQ Zone 32) [lat -18 long 168] {start 11/15/45}
YKA-YKZ Syrian Arab Republic (Also See 6C)
...... YK Syria (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 34 long 36.5] {start 11/15/45}
YLA-YLZ Latvia (Republic of)
...... YL Latvia (ITU Zone 29 CQ Zone 15) [lat 57 long 24] {start 3/1/90]
...... ...... 2x2 calls with prefix YL1 club stations
...... ...... 2x2 calls with prefix YL2 and YL3 1st and 2nd license class individuals
...... ...... 2x3 calls with prefix YL2G and YL3G 3rd è 4th license class individuals
...... ...... YL#xx/R and YL#Rxx repeaters
YMA-YMZ Turkey (Also See TA -TC)
...... YM Turkey (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20)
YNA-YNZ Nicaragua (Also See H6-H7, HT)
...... YN Nicaragua (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 12 long -86] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... YN1 Managua
...... ...... YN2 Granada
...... ...... YN3 Leon
...... ...... YN4 Chontales, Rio San Juan, Zelaya
...... ...... YN5 Carazo, Rivas
...... ...... YN6 Chinandega
...... ...... YN7 Masaya
...... ...... YN8 Esteli, Madriz, Nueva Segovia
...... ...... YN9 Boaco, Jinotega, Matagalpa
...... ...... YN0 Special Event & Club Stations
YOA-YRZ Romania
...... YO, YP, YQ, YR, Romania (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 20) [lat 44.4 long 26.1] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... YO2 Arad-AR, Caras Severin-CS, Hunedoara-HD, Timis-TM
...... ...... YO3 Bucuresti-BU
...... ...... YO4 Braila-BR, Constanta-CT Galati-GL, Tulcea-TU, Vrancea-VN
...... ...... YO5 Alba-AB, Bihor-BH, Bistrita Nasaud-BN, Cluj-CJ, Maramures-MM, Salaj-SJ, .Satu Mare-SM
...... ...... YO6 Brasov-BV, Covasna-CV, Harghita-HG, Mures-MS, Sibiu-SB
...... ...... YO7 Arges-AG, Dolj-DJ, Gorj-GJ, Mehedinti-MH, Olt-OT, Vilcea-VL
...... ...... YO8 Bacau-BC, Botosani, BT, Iasi-IS, Neamt-NT, Suceava-SV, Vaslui-VS
...... ...... YO9 Buzau-BZ, Calarasi-CL, Dimbovita-DB, Giurgiu-GR, Ialomita-IL, Prahova-PH, Teleorman-TR
...... ...... YO0 Special Event Stations
...... ...... YO0K Club Stations
YSA-YSZ El Salvador (Republic of) (Also See HU)
...... YS El Salvador (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 07) [lat 14 long -89] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... YS1 San Salvador
...... ...... YS2 Santa Ana
...... ...... YS3 San Miguel
...... ...... YS4 La Libertad
...... ...... YS5 Chalatenango, Cuscatlan
...... ...... YS6 Cabanas, La Paz, San Vicente
...... ...... YS7 Ahuacapan, Sonsonate
...... ...... YS8 Morazan, La Union, Usulutan
...... ...... YS9 Foreign Operators
...... ...... YS0 Portable Stations
YTA-YUZ Serbia (Republic of)
...... YT, YU Serbia (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 44.9 long 20.5] {start 11/15/45}
YVA-YYZ Venezuela (Republic of) (Also See 4M)
...... YV, YW, YX, YY Venezuela (ITU Zone 12 CQ Zone 09) [lat 6 long -76] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... YV1 Falcon, Trujillo, Zulia
...... ...... YV2 Barinas, Merida, Tachira
...... ...... YV3 Lara, Portuguesa, Yaracuy
...... ...... YV4 Aragua, Carabobo, Cojedes
...... ...... YV5 Distrito Federal, Guarico, Miranda
...... ...... YV6 Anzoategui, Bolivar
...... ...... YV7 Nueva Esparta, Sucre
...... ...... YV8 Monagas, Terr. Fed. Delta Amacuro
...... ...... YV9 Apure, Terr. Fed. Amazonas
...... YV0 Aves Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 12 long -67.5] {start 11/15/45}
...... YX0 Aves Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08)
YZA-YZZ Returned To The ITU
Z2A-Z2Z Zimbabwe (Republic of)
...... Z2 Zimbabwe (ITU Zone 53 CQ Zone 38) [lat -18 long 31] {start 11/15/45}
Z3A-Z3Z The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
...... Z3 Macedonia (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 41.8 long 21.4] {start 8/8/91
ZAA-ZAZ Albania (Republic of)
...... ZA Albania (ITU Zone 28 CQ Zone 15) [lat 41.5 long 19.5] {start 11/15/45}
ZBA-ZJZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ZB2 Gibraltar (ITU Zone 37 CQ Zone 14) [lat 36 long -5.5] {start 11/15/45]
ZB0 Gibraltar (VHF Only)
ZB3 Gibraltar (Foundation licences)
ZG2 Gibraltar (National day special ops)
...... ZC4 UK Sov. Base Areas on Cyprus (ITU Zone 39 CQ Zone 20) [lat 35 long 33] {start 8/16/60}
...... ZD7 St Helena (ITU Zone 66 CQ Zone 36) [lat -16 long -6] {start 11/15/45}
...... ZD8 Ascension Is (ITU Zone 66 CQ Zone 36) [lat -8 long -14] {start 11/15/45}
...... ZD9 Tristan Da Cunha (ITU Zone 66 CQ Zone 38) [lat -38 long -20] {start 11/15/45}
...... ZF Cayman Is (ITU Zone 11 CQ Zone 08) [lat 19.5 long -81.2] {start 11/15/45}
ZKA-ZMZ New Zealand
ZK, ZL, ZM New Zealand
ZK1/N No Cook Is--(ITU Zone 62, 63 CQ Zone 32) See Notes [lat -10.5 long -157.5] {start 11/15/45} ZK1/S So Cook Is--(ITU Zone 62, 63 CQ Zone 32)See Notes [lat -21 long -159.5] {start 11/15/45} ZK2 Niue Is (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 32) [lat -19 long -170] {start 11/15/45} ZK3 Tokelaus (ITU Zone 62 CQ Zone 31) [lat -10.5 long -161] {start 11/15/45} ZL New Zealand (ITU Zone 60 CQ Zone 32) [lat -41.8 long 173] {start 11/15/45} ZL1 No Island, north: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty ZL2 No Island, south: Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Wellington, Manawatu-Wanganui, ZL3 So Island, North: Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast, Canterbury ZL4 South Island, south: Otago, Southland ZL5 Antarctica Scott ZL6 New Zealand--NZART (ITU 60 CQ 32) |
ZL7 Chatham Is (ITU 60 CQ 32) [lat -44 long -176] {start 11/15/45} ZL8 Kermadec Is (ITU 60 CQ 32) [laat -30 long -178] {start 11/15/45} ZL9 Auckland Campbell (ITU 60 CQ 32) [lat -52.5 long 169] {start 11/15/45} ZL0 Overseas Visitors (ITU 60 CQ 32) ZM New Zealand (ITU 60 CQ 32) ZM7 Chatham Is (ITU 60 CQ 32) ZM8 Kermadec Is (ITU 60 CQ 32) ZM9 Auckland Campbell (ITU 60 CQ 32) |
NOTES The callsign for ZK1 is due to change from ZK1 to E5 for the North |
ZNA-ZOZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Also See 2, G , M, ZQ)
ZPA-ZPZ Paraguay (Republic of)
...... ZP Paraguay (ITU Zone 14 CQ Zone 11) [lat -25.3 long -57.7] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... ZP1 Boqueron, Chaco, Nueva Asuncion
...... ...... ZP2 Alto Paraguay, Presidente Hayes
...... ...... ZP3 Amambay, Concepcion
...... ...... ZP4 Canindeyu, San Pedro
...... ...... ZP5 Asuncion
...... ...... ZP6 Central, Cordillera, Paraguari'
...... ...... ZP7 Caaguazu', Caazapa', Guaira'
...... ...... ZP8 Misiones, Neembucu'
...... ...... ZP9 Alto Parana', Itapua'
...... ...... ZP0 Mobile & Club Stations
ZQA-ZQZ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(Also See 2, G , M, ZN-ZO)
ZRA-ZUZ South Africa (Republic of) (Also See S8) ZS Callsign Zones
...... ZR, ZS, ZT, ZU So Africa (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38) [lat -30 long 25.8] {start 11/15/45}
...... ...... ZS1 Cape Province
...... ...... ZS2 Eastern Cape Province
...... ...... ZS3 Northern Cape Province
...... ...... ZS4 Freestate Province
...... ...... ZS5 Kwazulu-Natal Province
...... ...... ZS6 Gauteng / Mpumalanga
ZS7 Antarctica
ZS8 Marion Is (ITU Zone 57 CQ Zone 38 [lat -46.8 long 37.8] {start 11/15/45}
S8 Transkei No longer valid - ( Transkei is now under ZS2 )
..... ZR Licence is the Cept restricted licence 50mHz and up
ZS is the full Cept licence HF VHF UHF SHF etc....
ZU Licence is not very common and is a CW only low power license.
ZT Not Used
ZSLnnn callsign, allocated to 'Shortwave Listeners'
ZVA-ZZZ Brazil (Federative Republic of) (Also See PP-PY)
...... ZV, ZW, ZX, ZY, ZZ Brazil (ITU Zone CQ Zone 11)
ZV0 Antarctica
...... ZW Brazil (ITU Zone CQ Zone 11)
...... ZX Brazil (ITU Zone CQ Zone 11)
...... ZX0F Fernando De Noronha (ITU Zone 13 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZX0S Peter Paul Rocks (ITU Zone 13 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZX0T Trindade (ITU Zone 15 CQ Zone 11)
ZX0 Antarctica
...... ZY Brazil (ITU Zone CQ Zone 11)
...... ZY0F Fernando De Noronha (ITU Zone 13 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZY0S Peter Paul Rocks (ITU Zone 13 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZY0T Trindade (ITU Zone 15 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZZ Brazil (ITU Zone CQ Zone 11)
...... ZZ0F Fernando De Noronha (ITU Zone 13 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZZ0S Peter Paul Rocks (ITU Zone 13 CQ Zone 11)
...... ZZ0T Trindade (ITU Zone 15 CQ Zone 11)
Many Thanks To The Over 40 Hams From Around The World Who Contributed, Particularly VE3SYB, Kevin Cozens and EI8IC Tim Makins
List Of E-Mail Contributors: W5USM, K6VX, K8CX, K0HB, W6FOB, VE3SYB, W9SZ, W5FL, K8AV, W0CM, W9DY, K9CW, N5FG, N5VD, WN3VAW, K2VCO, WB6PSY, N9AG, AA6AD, N4AL, W3AWU, K4TTA, K6QS, KD1F, K2YOF, K4QG, N2EY, N9AI, NH6YK, G3IQF, AA6E, AA6H, AA6I, AA6D, AA6G, ZS6IR, K2IXT, N4HT, KE4QOK, PA0CLN, W5FL, W9DY, W6SAX, N7XM EI8IC, VE3IKV -- Many Thanks Folks!
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